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As soon as class was over, Alan urgently sought out and found hisfriend Sean. He practically dragged Sean down the hall until they cameto another hall that had only unused and locked rooms in it and theywent down a safe distance until they could speak safely in privacy.

Alan looked at his friend with wild eyes and said emphatically but quietly, "Dude! I can't help it! I can't fucking help it!"

"Help what?" Sean naturally asked.

"Women! The way they react to me. The way I react to them.It's like it's out of my control. Do you know I have a harem? Did I tellyou that?"

"Yes. As a matter of fact, you did."

"Well, it's true. It just happens. Everything just happensperfectly. It's like I have the most amazing sexual good luck charm. Idon't even have to do a thing. Like this morning. I have this plan to goand fuck Heather and Simone before school. I show up. My mind's a totalblank. I know something will come to me on the spot. And it does! Andit works! Within two minutes, Heather goes from being pissed off topractically wanting to name her firstborn after me! What IS this?! Whatcomes over me?!" He was so emphatic that he found himself grabbing thecollar of Sean's shirt.


Naturally, Sean was miffed. Not only because of the way Alanwas grabbing him, but because of the way he talked about Heather, hisdream girl. The thought of Alan fucking Heather caused his face to turnbeet red and he fought to suppress the urge to punch his best friend.

Alan belatedly realized what was happening and let go ofSean's collar. He immediately tried to repair the damage. "I'm tellingyou this because I need you to take over. There's something aboutHeather. She corrupts my soul! Corny, but true! If only you knew thecrazy thoughts I was thinking at the end of class just now. I'm slowlylosing my mind! I'm not right for her, and she's not right for me. Thesooner Heather is out of my life and you and her are a couple, thehappier I'll be! She's the source of all evil!"

Sean's face was hard to read, but at least he no longerlooked like he wanted to strangle something. He asked, "So, you meanshe's like Sauron?"

"Huh?" Alan was completely perplexed.

"Sauron, you know, the great all-seeing eye in The Lord ofthe Rings. He's pretty much the source of all evil, although technicallySauron is just the servant of Morgoth. So are you saying she's Morgoth,then?"

Alan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He wanted to grab Sean by the collar again and yell, "Listen to me! I'm going crazy, and you're making Lord of the Rings comparisons?!"


But he did desperately need Sean's help, so he calmed himselfa bit and tried to think in a Sean mindset. "No. Not Morgoth. Not atall. Come on, even Heather is only so powerful. She's more like ...Saruman. I mean, Saruman was fundamentally good, once. But then hebecame corrupted by power and turned evil. Gandalf tried to save him,and maybe he could have, but he failed. It's just like that, except thatI'm not just failing to turn her, she's turning ME to evil."

On a roll with the metaphor, he continued moreenthusiastically, "You know what? Hobbits have a strange resistance tothe powers of evil. You, my friend, are a hobbit! I'm not. YOU canresist her! You have to!"

Sean thought about that for some moments, then answered,"What makes me a hobbit? And why do you look so frantic? Take a chillpill, man!"

Alan thought that was good advice. He took a step back andleaned wearily against a hall locker. "I don't know, dude. It's just...this morning. These whole last two months! I was daydreaming in classjust now, wild and outrageous dreams, and then it occurred to me, 'Hey,these are actually pretty close to my real life.' I can't handle it. Howcan a person have so much sex and not turn into a raving sexualmaniac?""You." He suddenly poked Sean in the chest with a finger."YOU are going to be my salvation. I have to get Heather out of my life.I feel if I can do that, I can keep my worst tendencies in check. You,alone, have the love for Heather to want to see she comes out right.That's your protection against her evil. That's what makes you themetaphorical hobbit. Plus, you haven't been sexually corrupted alreadylike I have. That's the key, to get you sexually experienced andtalented enough to impress Heather, but not actually sexually corrupted,so you'll bring her to the good side instead of you going to the evilside."

"The dark side, you mean," Sean corrected him. "We're talking about the Force now, right?"

"Sean! Dude! Are you trying to drive me insane, too?! Enoughfucking movie references already! I'm dead serious here. I already hadyou on the fast sexual apprentice track, but as of now I'm putting youon the super fast track. I already have some plans in motion for you forthis afternoon, which is good 'cos it'll be exactly what you need. Getready. It's gonna be intense, but fun, if you open yourself up to theexperience."

Alan had spoken to Xania and already put the plan in motion:since she was coming down to Orange County tonight for the Plummerpoke-her party, he asked if she could come down in the afternoon andgive Sean his first lesson in anal sex. She'd agreed, but only on thecondition that Alan join them and give her a good double penetrationfucking. However, he had talked her out of it. As much as that soundedlike great fun to him, he convinced her that Sean needed to take thingsone step at a time and that she and Sean needed to focus 100 percent onSean's first anal sex experience.

But Alan, in his sex-addled mind, was now regretting hisconsideration for Sean. An image of Xania taking two dicks at oncefilled his head.

Then, as his thoughts tended to do whenever Xania came tomind, he began to think about her long tongue and all the skilled thingsshe could do with it. He began to slip into daydream mode as heimagined Xania's tongue snaking out at him, just as super-sized inlength as his cock had been in his earlier daydream.


Alan realized his eyes had glazed over and his dick hadbecome fully erect. Yet again. "Oh. Yeah. Just keep in mind that youHAVE to do your best to turn Saruman from the dark side, and fuck it ifI'm mixing my movie metaphors. Do you understand what I'm trying to sayto you?"

"Yeah. Kind of. I guess. I will try to do my best withwhatever you throw at me. Seriously. I did pretty okay last time, right?But I don't understand what's eating you up so much. You're livingevery man's dream life, dude. What could possibly be the problem?"

Alan clenched the hair on his head in exasperation, butremained quiet while he collected his thoughts. Finally, he said, "It'slike this. I LIKE the old me. The pre-sexual me. I don't want to losethat completely. And of course, I love the sex. But I don't want to turninto some completely different person. But I am! Power corrupts, justlike what happened to Saruman when he was tempted by the possibilitiesof the Ring of Power. It's becoming so all I can think of is sex. All Ican think of women is that they're sexual objects I need to fuck. Thetruth is, if you can win Heather, you're not only going to save her fromevil, you might save me from evil, too."

"Wow. Dude. That's a lot to handle at nine in the morning."

"I know. I'm sorry. And we've got to hustle off to our nextclass. I've already been late to one today. But one quick question:can't we come up with some better metaphor than Heather equals Saruman?Sexy young female fox versus ugly old male wizard doesn't do it for me.Can't we pick, I dunno, the Wicked Witch of the West or something? Somefemale character."

"The Wizard of Oz? Alan, that is such an ancient reference.And totally gay. Puh-lease! I didn't even see that movie." Sean lookedat his watch impatiently.

"Okay. But try to think of something else, alright? Thesemetaphors are good in helping you understand, so the closer the metaphorwe can find, the better."

"Okay. I gotta boogie. I'll think about that and everythingelse while I sit through my boring calculus class. But seriously, take awhole handful of chill pills. Later!" He started to bolt off for hisnext class, but stopped abruptly and turned. "Hey! I got it! Phoenix,from the X-Men. Y'know, Dark Phoenix and Jean Grey?"

Alan felt like laughing out loud at the sheer absurdity oflife. But he contained himself and replied, "Hmmm. Comic book reference,eh?"I think you should take a look at lightsnovel.cοm

"It sorta works!" Sean said enthusiastically. "I mean, they're both damned hot! Think about it. Anyway, ciao for now."

"Later!" Alan waited until Sean was out of sight, then letout a heavy sigh. Then he too started to hustle to his next class. Hewas glad at least that, for once, his erection had subsided on its own.

As he hurried, he thought, Sean gets things a bit, but hedoesn't really understand my problem. To be frank, I'm not sure if I do.Maybe I should just give in and go with the "Bad Alan" vibe. Am I justdelaying the inevitable? I wish I could talk to some outsider aboutthis- hey! Xania IS coming to town today. She's got her thing with Seanthat I've planned, not to mention the poke-her party, but maybe she cansqueeze in an advice session in there somewhere? I hope so!

The hallways were rapidly emptying of people, so he broke into a full run.

Alan did his best in his next class and actually paidattention. Once the class was over, as he wandered the halls on his wayto his third-period art class, he ran into Simone in a busy hallway.

She stopped him and said, "Hey." She looked a bit bashful,given that they'd fucked a couple of hours earlier, but she wasn't thebashful type and recovered quickly. She spoke quietly near his ear soonly he could hear, "Guess what? Heather got in trouble and was senthome."

"What? Just for being late?"

"No. She was way late, but that wasn't the main problem. Whenshe finally strolled into her first-period class, the teacher took onelook at her and sent her to the principal's office. Said she was dressedlike a 'tart.' Then she got sent home to change. She just got back.""Huh. Well, she was dressed pretty outrageously, even forher. I'm actually a bit relieved to find she can't get away with wearingjust anything."

"Well, it's not that simple. Our first period teacher, youknow the old hag Mrs. Jenkins? She gave Heather a very disapproving lookas Heather came in and I think she was going to leave it at that, butthen Heather did something to cause Mrs. Jenkins' eyes to practicallypop out of her head! I couldn't see what it was, with the desk in theway and everything, but I'll bet she purposely flashed that she wasn'twearing panties. Of course the teach couldn't ignore that."

She grinned from ear to ear. "That's what I love about Heather: she's a complete daredevil and ALWAYS entertaining!"

"Huh. Do you think that's going to be a problem for her at home, getting busted like that?"

"Nah. Her parents aren't home in the mornings, and theywouldn't care if they heard about it. Their perfect princess can do nowrong and it's always somebody else's fault. That's actually what theycall her: 'princess.' They spoil her rotten."

"Oh." Alan was still spaced out and not very talkative.

But Simone did feel talkative. She continued, "I mean,Heather is such a rascal and she rubs it in everybody's face. She lovesto flaunt her disrespect for authority. Did you know she was gone fortwo hours, even though she was told in no uncertain terms to be back inless than one? I think she just did that to see if she could get awaywith it."

He tried to figure out what Heather being gone so long mightmean. Heather hated her classes, but she loved the times in betweenwhere she could strut around as if she owned the school and she actuallyhated to miss school for that reason.

Simone felt a new camaraderie and bond with Alan, especiallyafter getting fucked by him before class, and she was too talkative andengaged for him to have time to think. She lightly punched him in thearm. "Hey! Guess what?"


She put her hand on her stomach and frowned. "I feel funny.There's a tingling down here. Kinda feels like something's getting ...fertilized."

He realized that she was just joking, so he sarcastically replied, "Ha ha. Very cute."

She replied with a dead seriousness, "No, really. You knowthat when I said I was on the pill, I was talking about taking vitamins,not birth control pills."

It took him a few seconds to realize she was joking again.Then he looked around frantically, realizing that a phrase like "birthcontrol" could prick people's ears. He said quietly, "Shush! We're in abusy hallway!"

She laughed heartily. "Just yanking your chain. Though I'drather be yanking something else, if Heather ever could let go of it."She nudged him again playfully.

He was even more worried now. "Simone! Seriously! Joking isfine, but not now, not here. You know all my problems with the footballplayers. Have mercy!"

She continued to chuckle, but she could see his point. "Okay. Sorry. I'm just having too much fun today."

"By the way, where's Heather?" His eyes began to wander downfrom her face. He eyed her crotch as he recalled filling her pussy withcum just hours before. His arousal was growing by the second.

She shrugged her shoulders in response to his question.However, there was some sparkle in her eyes that showed she was thinkingabout the sex they'd shared as well.

"Could you keep a close eye on her? Please? There's no telling what she'll do from one moment to the next."

She replied, "Well, we shared the last class and she had thatkind of spaced-out look that means you-know-what. But I'll stay on hertail." With a quick glance around and a conspiratorial wink, she added,"Figuratively speaking, that is."

"Thanks." He did know "you-know-what" - the anal dildodumb-down effect. "But still. What with her purposefully gone for twohours, and for no good reason, my working assumption is she's up to nogood."

She laughed. "That's a good assumption. You're probablyright!" But she didn't seem that concerned. She looked down at thegrowing bulge in his jeans and raised an intrigued eyebrow.

He had a bad feeling about Heather's disappearance, but herealized with frustration that there was no way to figure anything out,so he disregarded the problem.

Simone made to walk off, but she stopped and turned back. Sherolled her T-shirt up over her stomach so he could see her bellybutton. "Hey. Alan. Check out my stomach. Do you think I'm showing yet?"She put her hands on her head and sucked in her gut to really vamp itup and show off her toned physique.

He raised his hands up to his head in frustration. But hecouldn't help but laugh at her running gag. "I'm going to get you forthat!"

She smiled, pulled her shirt back down, and walked off. Sheknew that he was impressed with her muscle tone and her stomach and legsin particular, and was pleased that she'd managed to flirt and show offa bit.

I like her, he thought. She's got spirit. And maybeI never really gave her a full consideration in the looks departmentjust because she's black and I considered her off-limits for some stupidreason, like we'd have a cultural gap. But really, she's the equal inbeauty of any girl in the school. Maybe not quite the best in the face,but what a body! So strong. I'll bet she could run a marathon. I'd loveto have a sexual marathon with her, all night long.

He mentally focused on his groin and belatedly paid attention to his erection. Down,boy. I hope it wasn't all the pregnancy joking that did that. I'm notinto that whole idea. No way. What if I DID get her pregnant, what adisaster that would be! Not because she's black; I don't care aboutthat. But to have her or any other girl showing before the end of theschool year? No thanks! I could kiss college and everything elsegoodbye.
