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Alan had to take a test in his next class, but it wasn't tough and hemanaged to finish with fifteen minutes before the end of the period. Hethought, Perfect. A massive chunk of uninterrupted daydream time.Ah, yes, now what was I doing with Christine before I was so rudelyinterrupted? Although, to be honest, that break was a very healthything. It's always good to talk to Sean and unload what's on my mind.And the fact that he's another guy, a regular guy, somehow that's veryimportant. The fact is, I got carried away with that Christine daydream.
Heather put me in such a "Bad Alan" mood that I totallyforgot that Christine is a real human being and not just a sexual objectfor my amusement. Heh, that's kind of ironic given what Heather said tome earlier. But in any case, Christine is a very unique, wonderful, andextremely talented person. That's what really matters in life, thecomplex emotions like love and caring. Not just the base sexual urges. Ishould do what's right for Christine, and that means leaving her out ofmy sordid little sex world.
That said, there's nothing wrong with a littlefantasizing. In fact, if I can satisfy my sexual fantasies with her justwithin my head, then I won't feel the urge to do so in real life. Iknow that the main thing I'm feeling is just this "you want most whatyou can't get" feeling. What is it with human nature, and especiallymale nature? Why is it that when a guy has five women in a harem, thething that obsesses him the most is getting a sixth?
Well, I'm not going to be like that. That's the true pathto madness, because with that attitude I'll never be satisfied. Instead,I'm going to treat Christine like the lady that she is in real life,and only treat her like a fuck toy in my dreams.
Speaking of which, that last one was pretty sweet,imagining titfucking her in front of class. I almost shot a load rightthere in class! What was it that the older version of Heather said? Ohyeah: "Let's see a show of hands. Who would like to see Alan titfuck herlovely orbs before he breaks her hymen?" And then everyone in classraised their hands. And then Heather, or I should say Ms. Morgan,said...
"There you have it. You know what to do now, Alan, don't you?"
Alan looked at Ms. Morgan with an evil grin. "No, actually I don't. Why don't you show me?"
The older Heather smiled back just as evilly. "Fine.Christine, first off, if we're going to do this the slow way, I thinkit's time you show the class some pussy."
Several of the students, especially some of the male ones, let out a loud whoop.
Christine's tears had stopped flowing, but she still blushedall the way down to her chest. She got up from where she was bent overthe teacher's desk, but kept her back to the class and tried to protecther ass. Somehow that just made the view that much more attractive. Shestood as she'd been sitting, with her legs together.
But Ms. Morgan barked, "Christine, what am I always tellingthe girls in this class? How does a proper Alan bitch stand forinspection?"
Christine muttered, "Damn you all!" But she reluctantly put her hands above her head.
The teacher barked, "Wider! Wider!"
So she slowly spread her legs one foot apart, then two, theneven a bit more. Some wisps of her pussy hair could be seen by Alan andthe rest of the class through the large space between her legs. Herbreasts were so big that everyone could see a bit of those on each side,even though she still had her back to the class. The only items shestill had on were her shoes and socks.
Ms. Morgan whistled in appreciation while she continued toabsentmindedly stroke Alan's slick and slippery erection with her otherhand. The class hooted and hollered at Christine even more.
"Let's get this show on the road!" the older Heathercomplained. "We can't have every class be an hour-long Alan fuck-fest. Ido have to teach you all something at some point, you know."
But her protests seemed to have no effect on anyone, aseveryone knew that an hour-long Alan fuck-fest was exactly what wasgoing to happen.
The teacher bitched, "Now, girl, before we all grow old and die, turn around and take your shoes and socks off already!"
Christine turned her head and looked at Ms. Morgan uncertainly. "Turn around?"
Alan was surprised to see that her face was still completelysplattered with cum. It looked like four or five big cum loads slowlydripping down, if not more. But then he remembered what he had done andhow much more there had been before she'd wiped so much off and lickedit into her mouth. Long strands dangled off her chin, her cheeks, ears,hair - everywhere.
"You heard me."
At first, the class was dead silent and the only sound thatcould be heard was the teacher's hands sloshing all over Alan'swell-lubricated pole.
But then Christine began to turn around. A great cheer and even more clapping rose up from the excited class.
Christine modestly kept one arm crossed over her tits and ahand over her bush. As she turned, she looked down bashfully, and thatcaused a seeming river of cum to pour off of her face and onto herchest.But Ms. Morgan was impatient. She commanded, "Don't make meget the ruler!" Normally she would have gotten the ruler and slapped itdown on the desk just because she loved to do that, but this time shehoped she wouldn't have to let go of Alan's warm hard-on to do so.
Christine quickly dropped her arms. Suddenly all of her frontal charms were on full display.
Alan took a good long look at her from head to toe, while histeacher continued to accentuate his enjoyment with her handjob as shestood next to him. Ms. Morgan had turned to the side, so she could keepChristine, Alan, and the class all in view at the same time.
Alan's eyes were torn between looking at Christine's pussy orher tits, but the urge to see her pussy won out. It was easy to seeeverything down there because she'd remembered to keep her legs apartafter turning around. He noticed a lot of glistening moisture there,though she wasn't copiously flowing like most of the women he knew. Hefound her bush interesting. It was a bit wild and untrimmed. Somehow hefound that fitting, as if it was something she'd never expected to showanyone, ever.
Christine's tits were fantastic. She had them cradled in one of her arms, which caused them to push together and out.
Ms. Morgan asked, "So, tell me great virgin, how do you feel right now?"
Christine was incredulous. "How do I feel?! You want to knowhow I feel?! I feel ashamed. Embarrassed! Utterly humiliated! What elsedo you expect?! Being naked in front of my classmates is horribleenough, but it's all this cum running down my face and chest that'sreally getting to me! UGH!"
The teacher pressed, "Is that all? Is that all you feel? Whatabout the cum flowing down your thighs? Don't tell me that's from Alantoo."
"Dammit, I'm only human! How can I not get aroused by his Goddamned horse cock and all this yummy cum?! But that doesn't make thisright. You shouldn't treat me like this!"
"I'll bet you want to taste it, taste more of it. I know howit is. Once you have some, you can't get enough. Well, go right ahead."
"No! No. Well, I suppose, er, I, uh, need to get cleaned upanyway..." There was a puddle of cum that formed at the top of hercleavage even as more cum ran down into the dark depths between herbusty mounds. She looked at the puddle and brought her free hand to it,as if to wipe herself clean. But instead, she dipped her fingers intothe puddle and brought the fresh cum to her lips.
As she stared at Alan in lust and shame, she licked her fingers dry.
The teacher asked her, "Where are your manners?"
Christine blushed as she whispered, "Thank you for the cum, Alan."
Both hands were actually fairly drenched in cum from whenshe'd wiped her face off before, and she continued to lick each fingerand then the palm of her hand. She mumbled to herself, "It's still warm!I can't believe it's so warm!"
Rather than reply to her, Alan simply reached out and hoistup both of Christine's breasts with his two hands, as if he owned them.He was so close to her that he didn't need to step forward at all.
Ms. Morgan smiled as she watched him play with Christine'slarge orbs. She had two hands on Alan's thickness, but neither handstood any chance of reaching all the way around it. She longed to seeAlan cover Christine with another massive load, so her fists fairly flewinto a blur as she stroked him with abandon.
The class continued to cheer as Alan mauled Christine'sbouncy fun bags within sight of everyone. There were many lewd catcalls,surprisingly, more from the girls than the few boys there.
Alan thought he heard his sister's voice say, "Don't just play with 'em, fuck 'em already!"
Christine closed her eyes in shame again and gave the entire class the finger.I think you should take a look at lightsnovel.cοm
Alan thought, So at least she hadn't lost all of herfeistiness. But it's kind of funny: her protests seem so ineffectualwhen her face is bathed in semen like that.
Christine looked up into Alan's eyes while he played with hertits. She moaned as she stared through narrow eyes with a intense lustygaze. She didn't say anything, but the way she licked her lips andstared at his stiff erection made her intentions clear enough, even ifshe was too proud to admit it.
Ms. Morgan barked, "Christine, what did I say about taking your shoes off already?"
Christine immediately bent forward and down, forcing Alan tolet go of her nipples, which he'd only just begun to pull on. Thiscaused another torrent of cum to drip off her face and land all overher, from the tips of her jutting breasts down to her legs. Her hairvery nearly scraped the floor when she remained bent over, untying hershoes.
But then Ms. Morgan said, "No, bring your feet up instead of hiding your best bits. We're not done inspecting you."
Christine's whole body trembled as she obeyed the teacher.While she hated the public humiliation, it also seemed to turn her onmore than she could even comprehend. She brought one foot to her crotchand reached down a bit to get to the laces, which caused her big tits tosag and wobble delightfully. Luckily she'd fallen back to sit on theedge of the desk or she would have had great trouble keeping herbalance.
While she did that, she took the opportunity to complain tothe teacher and the class, "You know, this is so unfair! I do notunderstand why everyone acts like Alan owns the school. So his cumtastes fantastic and his penis down your throat tastes even better. Itfeels great to suck on it too. Okay. Fine. I can see that now. I finallyget why all the sexy teachers and girls take turns sucking on him allday long!"
She tried to regain her indignant stance. "But does that givehim the right to fuck every female in sight completely bareback, fromthe principal to half the teachers, to most of the student body? He'sgot over two dozen girls pregnant at this school alone already,including both of his sisters. Heck, even the principal is carrying oneof his babies, and why? Just because he doesn't like to wear a condom? Ithink you're all mad!"
Ms. Morgan replied, "That's what I said too, once. But don'tworry. You'll understand as soon as he's done fucking you and has filledyour virgin pussy with cum. You'll be wishing he's hit another home runand knocked you up too!"
"This is ridiculous! I will not!" Christine griped. Butnonetheless, as soon as she finished untying her second shoe, her eyeslocked on Alan's swaying stiff pole and she hungered at the sight.
Ms. Morgan looked at Christine's old sneakers, now tossed onthe floor, and said, "Now that you're one of Alan's bitches, you havecertain standards to uphold. I expect to see you in five-inch heels fromnow on, is that clear?"
Christine dropped her head and nodded sullenly.Heather stood proudly before the class in her naked glory.She'd immediately latched back onto his cock. With her back to Alan now,she pretended to pay attention to the class while slowly bringing hisboner toward her asshole. As anally fixated as ever, she hoped to slideit up her butt and into her asshole before Alan could get started withChristine.
Alan jumped forward, then turned his head around and scolded,"Naughty, naughty, Ms. Morgan. You and your ass fixation. I think youneed to go sit with the students for a while to remind you of your placearound here."
She blanched. "But... naked? Whenever you do that to me, theyget all grabby! I always end up having to suck off a cock or two, andyou know how I detest that when it's not yours!"
He looked at her sternly. "Not my problem. I don't want to have to tell you twice."
She dropped her head and walked to the seat Christine hadvacated. So many hands, mostly female, grabbed her all over that she wasbarely able to make it to the chair. She seemed truly disappointed andkept her attention focused on Alan.
With the teacher gone, Christine took advantage. Her handsflew to Alan's erection like they were magnetically attracted to it. Itseemed like she was incapable of letting go long enough to hoist her bigtits up and keep them up so he could slide his prick between them.
Alan was trying not to increase Christine's humiliation, butthe gap between her words and her actions was so great that he couldn'thelp but ask, "I thought you didn't want to be a part of this?"
"Fuck you!" She growled. "Your cock is just too fucking tastyand amazing, you God damned fucker!" Still blushing deeply, she startedcocksucking the tip and that seemed to give her enough pleasure toreposition herself for titfucking.
He looked out over the class as he climbed up on the table.Chairs had generally been pulled together and almost everyone had theirhands in the laps of someone next to them. But with the exception of afew girls who had their faces in the lap of a boy, plus the one boy whonow stood in front of Ms. Morgan with his cock down her throat, all eyeswere aimed at the front of the class. He suspected that on other daysthe classes would erupt into full-blown orgies, but today interest washigh to see Christine get fucked so people limited themselvessufficiently so they could still pay attention.
Alan settled himself onto Christine's stomach. His almostcomically long erection grazed her lips. "So. You're finally ready to beone of my bitches, then?"
"Please don't make me answer that? Can't I just suck it somemore? My God, I'm drowning in your cum, but I want more! More!" Sheleaned forward a bit, taking in much of his cockhead while licking itfrantically.
"Sorry, I'm tired of your hypocrisy. It's time for you toadmit how you really feel. I'll ask you again: do you want to be one ofmy bitches?"
"Dammit! YES!" As she answered, she continued to flick hertongue around his cockhead. "I'll admit it: I've been ready for ages!Why do you think I'm still a virgin? I've been waiting for YOU! I'd beenexpecting that you'd just take me against my will and deflower me justlike you've done for so many others. I'm so frustrated that I finallyhad to do it this way."
She went on, "When it comes to you, when a woman says 'no',it means 'yes'. 'Yes', 'no', 'maybe', it all means 'yes'! Look at yoursuccess with women. There is no 'no'! Take who you want, when you want,wherever you want. Above all, take me! Take me into your inner harem,please! Fuck my tits and face already! I can't wait until you cover mein sperm and knock me up, just like all the rest!"
Alan looked over at Ms. Morgan. He hadn't noticed any protrusion in her belly.
But she had heard Christine mention "knock me up" and couldsomehow sense that Alan was looking at her. She pushed the boy who wasface-fucking her away momentarily, and smiled endearingly at Alan. Sherubbed her tummy and winked at him. All the while, hands from about fourgirls sitting nearby continued to roam all over her.
Alan was blown away by that, yet somehow he knew withcomplete certainly that he'd impregnated her. Then he looked out intothe crowd again and noticed about five or six girls looking back at him,all of whom were ostentatiously rubbing their bellies too. Katherineand Amy had the biggest bellies of anyone, and both his sisters winkedat him. Apparently, in this dream world, incest was not a problem.
Holy fuck! Is this right? The answer came to him quickly. Obviously!Clearly I have the most superior sperm here, so naturally I'm the onlyone allowed to get a woman pregnant in this school. That's how natureworks with alpha males!
He looked back at Christine, who already had her hands on herboobs, pressing them in to make a nice fuck tunnel. It was a good thingher boobs were so big, because one needed a lot of flesh to make atunnel for such a huge shaft. They were so soaked with his cum thatlubrication certainly wouldn't be a problem either.
She nibbled and licked his cockhead, though she didn't dare to try to swallow it all again.
"Okay, Christine. You want my baby? Fine! But first I'm going to re-coat your face with a fresh new load!"
"Do it! I love it!"
He began to aggressively plow through her tit tunnel, but hetook short strokes so she could keep most of his cockhead inside herlips at the same time. He noticed that she didn't just hold hermammaries in place so he could slide through, but she actively slid themback and forth to create even more pleasurable friction. Because hertits were so massive, it felt like he was fucking a twelve-inch deepvagina, except there was an actively cocksucking mouth at the other endof it.
God, she's good! Really good! I guess good things do cometo those who wait. I think I'll make this a Christine day and do her infourth period and sixth period, too! After all, she is going to be nakedand dripping with cum all day. I'm going to dump load after load on herand in her, and order the others not to grope her too much betweenclasses. She's my cum-covered bitch and she loves it!
Suddenly, Christine pulled back her mouth back and screamed, "Alan, I just came! Again! Fuck me forever! Forever!"
Then she dropped her head back down and somehow managed to cram all of his fat knob in her mouth.
The class cheered that difficult feat.
Just then, back in the real world, the bell rang. Alan was startled out of his fantasy.
He sat there for some long moments and tried to recapture where the daydream had left off. Oh, maaaaan! I was just really getting into the titfuck. Dang! And I wasn't even close to breaking her hymen. Rrrrgh!
He picked up his test and dropped it off at the teacher'sdesk, then walked out of the classroom. He held a book over his crotchso his erection and the wet spot it had caused through a slow leaking ofpre-cum wouldn't show.
Well, as fantasies go, that was an odd one. I've neverbeen into the whole pregnancy fetish before, so where the heck did thatcome from? I hope that doesn't mean anything in real life! Oh, I know.Simone and her stupid joking. But what if it isn't joking and I reallydid put a bun in her oven today? I would be totally fucked. Man, I'vebeen so lucky lately. I've got to start wearing condoms, even at home.Shucks.
I've never dreamed of having a bigger dick, either. I'mperfectly fine with my oft-complimented real equipment, so what was thatall about? They don't even have ones that big in porn flicks.
Alan didn't make the connection, but his penis in the dreamwas influenced by the eleven-inch black dildo he saw Simone put intoHeather's ass before school.
And that may have looked like Christine, but she didn'tact like the true Christine at all. This was like a blow up sex dollversion without any of the spunk or fire that I like so much. And it wasweird what Christine was saying to me. It was almost like mysubconscious was speaking to me directly, through her. "There is no'no'. Take who you want, when you want, wherever you want. Above all,take me!" ... Damn, she was hot! How could I possibly turn her down inreal life?!
Hmmm. That's definitely my id talking. My greedy side.Where's the other side? Where's the responsible superego? Where has thatbeen today? I think I need to empty a cum load into someone. Whenever Ifinish cumming, I tend to see things more sensibly. Right now, I've gota major problem because I'm on major boner sexual overdrive and I don'thave any way to relieve myself. In fact, now I get to go sit throughGlory's class while I still have all these bizarre teacher fantasiesrunning through my head.
Heather as a teacher? Ugh! Let's hope, for the sake ofinnocent children everywhere, that that never happens. Or Heather as amother. That's so disturbing that I'm not even going to go there!