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Christine seemed content to suck and lick forever. She couldn't getused to the sheer size of the throbbing pole in her mouth, and thatamazement seemed to channel into a greater and greater desire to exploreand pleasure the invasive intruder.
But unexpectedly, Ms. Morgan grabbed Christine's head againand pulled her free of the monstrous meat. "Enough of that," shecomplained. "We see plenty of that every day. Trust me, you'll besucking his cock plenty from now on. The class is getting bored andrestless."
Christine's tears continued to flow freely; she took some moments to get her breath back and recover.
But in less than half a minute, she lunged forward andresumed licking Alan's wet dick with a passion. With her mouth no longerstretched wide beyond all probability, she was free to talk again. Shecomplained as she licked, "Ms. Morgan!" <lick> "That was mean!"<lick> "How dare you!" <lick, lick> "Treat me" <lick,lick, lick> "like that." <lick, lick> "I should make a"<lick, lick, lick> "formal..."
Then she seemed to give up any attempt at talking andattempted to fit the entire thing in her mouth again, but it was liketrying to swallow the end of a baseball bat, and she found she couldn'tdo it without her teacher's help.
Ms. Morgan just laughed and pulled her away. "You see? You'rejust like all the rest. Once you start, you can't stop. Alan, I thinkyou've got another dedicated cocksucker to add to your collection. Thisone's a real beauty, I must admit. Now it's time to christen hercock-hungry face."
"Oh. Right." He heard himself laugh. Then there was a rumbling in his balls and he felt himself let go.
Christine could sense what was about to come, but it was likeknowing a volcano was about to erupt with no way to get out of the wayand survive. She simply closed her eyes and opened her mouth and kepther head right where it was, a mere inch or two from the tip.
He looked down from above; he had never seen anything likeit. As a surge of the utmost pleasure conceivable flowed though hisbody, a torrent of cum shot out of the tip of his cock. It was thick andviscous and the equivalent of the loads from ten men, if not twenty!
Christine tried to catch most of it in her mouth, but withinseconds her mouth was full and she had to close it. She backed awaysome, but her attempt to evade the spermy torrent was futile. It seemedto go on forever and ever. Her head repeatedly buckled backwards as eachnew rope splattered onto her skin with what seemed like the force of ahighly-pressurized fire hose.
Finally, Alan was finished and he surveyed what he had done.Christine's face was absolutely soaked with cum. It looked like therehad been a gang bang targeted at her face. Cum dripped everywhere, whichcaused a second flood on her shirt. Insofar as one could read anyfacial expression beneath the layers of cum, she seemed both dazed anddelighted.
However, one of the girls from the class yelled, "Hey, MissMorality! Always telling us how we should be ashamed of ourselves, well,what do you have to say now?"
There was a general murmur of agreement and even catcalls and jeers.
Christine dropped her head. She had to repeatedly wipe her eyes before she could even hope to open them.
When she did, she broke into a new round of tears. "Look atme! This is horrible! Ms. Morgan, how can you do this to me?! Theshame!" As she protested, she tried to clear her face, but found herselfstuffing all the cum into her mouth. She seemed positively ravenous forit.
Ms. Morgan laughed. "Now you're beginning to see why thisschool has special rules about Alan and no one ever complains aboutthem! Well, none of us girls do, anyway. But look at your top. It's acum-caked disaster. We'd better get you cleaned up."
She took her scissors again and cut right through the top,enabling her to remove it without having to pull it over Christine'shead.
When Christine saw her top go, she tried to grab it so she could suck up the large wads of cum dripping down it.
The teacher let her suck on the cloth for several moments and then pulled it away.
Christine looked down at herself and immediately crossed herarms over her ample, bare chest. "No fair! Ms. Morgan, you cut my braoff, too!"
"Oops!" The teacher laughed not at all apologetically. "Accidents happen."
"What am I going to wear now for the rest of the day?"Christine wailed. "I didn't bring another because I didn't know todaywould be the big day that he would take me. All my classes! Walking inthe crowded halls! Oh God!"
"That's a good question," the older Heather replied as shepulled Christine's panties away from Christine's skin and brought thescissors down to one of Christine's hips. "Especially since I can feelanother accident coming on." With cruel laughter, she snippedChristine's panties on one side, then repeated the process on the other.
Christine stared down in wide-eyed horror, but she was also panting and heaving with great arousal.
"Why are you surprised?" Ms. Morgan asked. "You knew this wasgoing to happen. If you want another load of cum, and you know you do,stop complaining and do what you're told like the cocksucking cum-slutyou've just become. If you go naked all day, so be it. You'll hardly bethe first or last. Now sit in your chair."
"Yes, ma'am." Christine sat up, seemingly totally defeated.She crossed her legs to cover her bush from many eager eyes and keptboth her arms crossed over her exceedingly large yet firm and highbreasts. But there was a hunger in her eyes. She looked hopefully atAlan's cock, which hung down but seemed nearly as long flaccid as it didhard.
Ms. Morgan slid a hand down Alan's backside and deep into thebackside of his shorts. As she groped at one of his ass cheeks, shetold Christine and the class, "It appears that our school stud is almostready to fully break in another one of his new super stacked sluts."
She looked at Christine, seeing her face soaked in cum andmore dripping down everywhere. "Do you have a problem with that, ohmighty school valedictorian? Are you still complaining about how unfairthis all is?" She laughed, and the class laughed along with her.
Christine didn't want to answer, but a long ensuing silenceforced her to. "Yes. No... I mean... I don't know what I mean! Ms.Morgan, it's so unfair and unjust, and just plain WRONG. But I love it!"
Ms. Morgan flashed a wicked smile upon hearing that. "Do youbegin to understand now why this school considers it a vital learningexperience for every girl to be broken in by Alan at least once? Do yousee why he pops all the virgin cherries of every girl in this class?"
"Yes," she sighed as her eyes remained locked on Alan'sflaccid penis with hope and anticipation. It was at about half-mastalready and slowly rising.
The teacher smirked, "You're free to go back to your seat.I'm sure you want to stop this humiliation now, don't you? Well, goahead."
Christine paused a long time. Then she said quietly, "No, I'll stay."I think you should take a look at
The teacher laughed heartily. "I thought so!"
Alan interrupted Ms. Morgan's merriment. "Excuse me, teacher.I think you're forgetting your place." He yanked her short skirtcompletely off, then pulled her business jacket down her arms,effectively pinning her arms to her side. Then he ripped her blouseopen, which caused buttons to fly everywhere. Her breasts exploded outof their confines.
Heather dropped to her knees before him. She managed to freeone arm from the jacket and blouse and began to jack him off. "Darling,please, I'm your teacher! Why do you always have to embarrass me infront of class? You're undercutting my authority!"
He let out a cruel laugh. "Teacher?"
Heather, squatting on her high heels, inched forward so shecould suck as well as fondle. "Okay, admittedly teacher and head bitch.YOUR bitch! But I still deserve some respect. The way you had those twobusty teachers abuse my body and my ass after school yesterday, well...It's not fair!" She began to frig herself.
She continued to pout, "Everyone spanked me so hard that it still hurts to sit down. Is that any way to treat your teacher?"
"Yes," he laughed. He turned his attention to Christine, who seemed to be at a loss for what to do. "Stand up, girl!"
Christine stood up. Tears still ran down her face (thoughthey were impossible to see amidst all the dripping cum). But she leanedup to his ear and whispered, "You want to know the truth? I got thequestion wrong on purpose. I couldn't stand it anymore, you fucking allthe other girls but me. I'm so sorry I turned you down when you asked meout. Please forgive me!"
Then she licked her way from his ear to his mouth andcontinued to lick her way down his neck. She was hot to trot now, thoughher face was still burning red with shame."Awww, isn't that touching," Ms. Morgan said nastily. "Anintimate moment shared. Be a dear, girl, and bend over the desk. Theclass would like to see your ass."
Christine was reluctant as she briefly looked out over thecrowd. But she finally turned around and bent over the desk. She had somuch cum on her face and tits that a lot of it started to drip down ontothe desk.
With her long blonde hair covering her back, Alan, no doubtalong with the rest of the class, focused his eyes on Christine'sexposed ass and powerful legs. She was on the school's track team and inreal life people joked that she could crack a coconut open with herthighs.
Ms. Morgan had taken hold of Alan's stiffening dick with onehand, and she fondled it while she faced away from him and toward theclass. She said, "I'm sure all of you are as eager as I to see the highand mighty Christine finally get her cunt properly stuffed. However,let's see a show of hands. Who would like to see Alan titfuck her lovelyorbs before he breaks her hymen?"
Alan looked around and saw every hand in the class shoot up.That is, almost every hand. A few of the girls were so busy playing withthemselves through their clothes that they enthusiastically noddedtheir heads up and down instead.
Ms. Morgan chuckled an evil laugh. She turned to Alan as hereached out to touch Christine's trembling ass. "There you have it. Youknow what to do now, Alan, don't you? Alan? Alan?"
"Alan?" The voice was male this time. This fact slowly broke through Alan's daydream haze.
He opened his eyes and looked around. Everyone in the classstared at him, only it wasn't because they were expecting him to go upto the front to titfuck Christine. Instead, his teacher was asking him aquestion and all the other students were wondering what the heck waswrong with him.
The teacher said, in a snide tone, "Looks like you'verejoined us. Where did you pop off to? It looks like you were enjoyingyourself a bit too much over there. Did you understand anything I'vesaid at all in the last five minutes?"
Alan blushed. "No, Mr. Tompkins. Uuuuhh... I, uh, I didn'tget enough sleep last night. I'm really sorry!" The dream had seemed sounusually vivid and real that he struggled to regain his bearings.
"Well," Mr. Tompkins huffed. He seemed to be ponderingwhether to take more action, but in the end merely said, "Make sure itdoesn't happen again." He shook his head disapprovingly. It seemed likehe was going to say something more, but he stopped himself at the lastsecond. Then he resumed his lecture.
Alan breathed a sigh of relief. He guessed that Mr. Tompkinsgave him a break because of the painted desk incident that had happenedin the class the day before. Probably he thinks I'm still having somekind of trouble related to the football players and he's trying to giveme a break over that. If he only knew the real reasons for me beinglate and spaced out!
He looked around. Most everyone had turned away, but notChristine. There she was, not four feet away, staring at him intentlywith a curious expression. He was already blushing, but he suddenlyturned a much deeper shade of red. He quickly looked away, afraid tomake eye contact with her.
The way she blushed was exactly like her face in the dream.He tried his best to hide the big tent in his shorts without drawingattention to it in the process.
He still had no mind to pay attention to Mr. Tompkins. He thought, Whata fool I am! If Christine had even half a clue what I was justthinking, she wouldn't fondle and suck my balls, she'd saw them off witha dull hacksaw! Dang, what the hell is the matter with me today? First astupid Incest-O-Matic commercial and now this immature fantasy! As if!As if the whole world revolves around me and I get to fuck any girl Iplease in the middle of class!
I need to focus on reality. Like getting into Berkeley, and getting my application done on time. Duh! I'm such an idiot!
He found himself pondering his daydream. Actually, youknow, it's not really THAT far removed from reality. I mean, is it?Sure, there were some weird things, like the mature Heather and, ofcourse, no school in the universe would ever allow that kind of thingopenly, and dang, the size of that dick of mine! But all in all... Imean, it's like my real life taken to some kind of logical extreme. Ormaybe illogical extreme. Jesus, just look at what happened to me thismorning! Why NOT fuck the likes of Christine to my heart's content?Would that really be so bad? Why was I against that yesterday, again?
He scanned his mind and tried to remember why it had been soimportant for him to reject Christine during dinner the night before,but his brain was so addled with lust that he came up a total blank. Hemostly just wanted to get back to his fantasy. He'd never felt soaroused while in the middle of a class, and his dick was almostpainfully hard.
There was definitely some kind of reason. I can't imaginewhat it is, though, given the way she looks so fuckably delicious,despite always dressing like she's off to join the Quakers or something.She needs to be sexually liberated, and I'd be doing her a big favor bybreaking her in. I've never actually seen all of her tits and thedaydream got cut off just as I was about to titfuck her! Talk aboutunfair!
He noticed Mr. Tompkins looking at him again, so he made moreof a pretense to at least look like he was paying attention. When theteacher turned his back, he had a chance to look down into his lap.Unsurprisingly, there still was a massive hard-on there which strainedat the seams of his jeans. But to his surprise, there was also a verylarge wet spot. However, he was relieved to find that it seemed to beall pre-cum and he hadn't actually had a big and really messy explosion,at least not yet. He casually put both hands over the large bulge in anattempt to cover it up.
He glanced at Christine again, realizing that he'd caught her furtively staring at his bulge. Damn! How long could she have been sizing me up while I was spaced out?! A long time!
He tried to concentrate on Mr. Tompkins' words, but it seemedfutile. The lecture was too boring and the rest of his life was toointeresting. He soon went back to his ruminations while he pretended tolook in the teacher's direction.
Maybe I shouldn't fight it. Maybe my Mom is right, and herBig Tits Theory is right. Maybe there's something special about me thatmakes it my natural destiny to dominate and fuck the sexiest of women.Why do I keep trying to fight it and act PC? I keep trying to thinkthese are all just sexual games, but maybe there's something in womenthat makes them naturally surrender their bodies to my will? Alan, justlook around at your real life! You have a de facto HAREM! Look at what'shappening. Look at how Heather subjects herself to me like she's mysexual toy. Maybe that's all she really is and all she should ever be!Heck, even Simone was kind of acting that way today.
If so, then it's only right that I add Christine to myharem. Her body is perfectly designed to be a sex slave. She should justbreak down and accept it, like she did in the dream. You know whatwould be cool? Instead of just sitting here and staring at the back ofher head, wouldn't it be great if she and I both sat in the back row ofthe class and she blew me all class long? That's how it should be! Everyday. Living life just like my daydream.
Mom would approve, of course. She understands the DEAL.She's so right, and I keep trying to be meek and modest, but why? I'lltell you what's wrong! What's wrong is that Christine isn't between mylegs right now, looking up into my face with loving eyes while hertongue lolls around the tip of my dick! I have the dick, the monstertasty dick, that all the women want! Yes! Taste it, Christine!
He stared at the back of Christine's head with intense,selfish sexual thoughts while he was thinking all of this. His hard-onwas still straining inside his jeans.
Somehow, Christine could sense that she was being stared at. She finally turned and made eye contact with him.
He quickly turned away and stared out the window. His fantasies and thoughts were shattered. Shit.She must think I'm some kind of freak. I'm giving her all the wrongsignals by staring at her head like I'm obsessed with her. I'm supposedto be giving off a platonic vibe now. What is WRONG with me, man? Thisis the "Bad Alan" taking over. I can't let him win! I can't deal withall these women being so tempting and submissive and far too foxy andcurvy. I think I'm slowly losing my mind!
-------------------[Will be back in a couple of days]