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—-----------------------------------------------[4K words]


Alan tried hard to focus on Mr. Tompkins for the rest of the class,but he was no more successful than before. It was almost as if theteacher were speaking an unknown language.

Alan quickly gave up on trying to pay attention, thinking instead about his deadline for the UC Berkeley application. Okay,I have until Saturday night. That's no problem, especially withThanksgiving vacation coming up. Fortunately, I wrote my essay twomonths ago. I just have to get all my papers together and sendeverything off. That shouldn't be too hard. I can't leave it to the lasthour of the last day, though; that would be insanely stupid. Maybe Ican do it today, after school.

It's just that there're so damn many sexy thingshappening. Especially at home. Like Mom. When I get home, she's gonna bethere, probably dressed in an erotic apron and high heels, and nothingelse. She's too arousing and loving to be believed! Whenever I think ofher, I get so horny that it's crazy. It's like she could be the modelspokesperson for incest, if anyone ever tried to "sell" that idea.

He found himself caught up in a daydream. In his head, he sawan image of Susan. Surprisingly, she was fully and conservativelydressed, looking much as she did before his and her sexual awakening hadbegun. She looked like she was in a television commercial and she heldup a bottle and stared straight into the viewer's eyes.

She said, "Is your house plagued by troublesome spermbuildup? Is your son's penis tragically at the near-bursting point withlife-creating wriggly sperm that should be deposited deep in his mommy'swomb? Then try 'Incest-O-Matic'!"

The bottle in Susan's hand was thrust forward, filling Alan'smental view. It looked like a bottle of Jack Daniel's, except for thewords "Incest-O-Matic" written in big letters across the front.


The bottle receded, and Susan's face came close. She said,"Just one bottle of 'Incest-O-Matic' will turn any frumpy, normal mommyinto a raving, gorgeous, nymphomaniacal sperm receptacle!"

She opened the bottle and dumped the entire contents of itover the top of her head. A torrent of liquid poured out, much, muchmore than such a bottle could ever possibly contain. The gush of thickfluid flowed down her head and upper torso and, as it cascaded down, herfrumpy clothes and accessories disappeared and in their place littleremained except exposed and wet skin. Even the ribbons in her hair andher glasses melted away. Yet, apparently mindful that nudity is notallowed on television, one of her arms strategically covered her nipples(and little else).

Then her voice came back on as she continued to hold up thenow empty bottle. "That's right. Forget grout. Forget grime. Forgetdust. The worst problem plaguing the average homemaker in this day andage is teenage sperm buildup. Don't let your son suffer blue balls! Buy'Incest-O-Matic' today!"

She waved the bottle around excitedly, like some kind ofoverexcited carnival barker. Her exceptionally large breasts bounced allover the place, which made it seem as if the arm covering them wouldlose the battle to contain them at any moment. "If you act now, you willalso get-"

Suddenly, Alan came out of his daydream. He heard his teacher Mr. Tompkins asking, "Anyone? Anyone?"

Alan belatedly realized that some sort of question had beenput to the class. He hoped he wouldn't be called on, because he didn'teven know the subject at hand. He figured he was already in deep troubleas it was for being ten minutes late.


Luckily, someone else was called on and Mr. Tompkins went back to his lecture.

Alan thought, Not that many months ago, I would have hadmy hand up in the air. I always used to have my hand up in the air. Butnow, I'm dreaming of 'Incest-O-Matic'?! Some kind of twisted sexcommercial? What the hey? Someone should just lock me up and throw awaythe key and get it over with already. How absurd. Rrggh.

But I mean, seriously, how am I supposed to be able toconcentrate on anything after a morning like this one? Between Mom andSis at home and Heather and Simone at school, it's lucky I'm not ravingand drooling in a straightjacket already. There's such a thing as toomuch pleasure. I want to run screaming up and down the halls and telleveryone how great life is, but I have to sit here and pretend thatthings are normal. And then, as if that isn't enough, I have to sit nextto Christine in this stupid class. I can stare at her from three feetaway all class long if I want, and she doesn't even know what I'm doing.At least, I hope she doesn't know...

He slipped into another daydream. The teacher asked anotherquestion, and this time Christine was called on. That in itself washardly unusual; she always had her hand up for every question, and shewas invariably correct in her answers. But this time, she got one wrong.

He heard a strange yet familiar voice say, "Christine,Christine. That is so unfortunate. Come up here." He looked up to thefront of the room and did not see the balding and pot-bellied yetunusually "cool" Mr. Tompkins. Instead, a sexy female teacher who lookedand sounded almost exactly like Heather was behind the teacher's desk.The main difference between her and the real Heather was that she seemedabout twenty years older. Her hair fell to the top of her shouldersinstead of going all the way down her back. But she still had Heather'sall-knowing and supremely confident smile on her face.

Christine stood up. She was dressed in a sedate andunrevealing blouse, and a long gray dress that came down to her ankles.She looked around uncertainly and walked forward. "Yes, Ms. Morgan?" sheasked in a worried voice as she got to the front of the class.

He remembered that Morgan was Heather's last name. Somehow,it seemed right to call the teacher "Ms. Morgan" and not "Heather,"since she was so much older and more mature, even if she wasfundamentally the same person. He noticed that she smiled and seemed tohave mellowed with age. Her smile almost appeared to be kind.

Ms. Morgan, dressed in the kind of clothes Glory wouldtypically teach in except with much more cleavage showing and wearing askirt far too short for any real teacher to ever wear, looked atChristine with both disapproval and a mocking amusement. "You know whatthe punishment is when a pretty girl fails to answer a questioncorrectly?"Christine nodded sadly, then looked expectantly at Alan.

Now all eyes went to Alan.

He sat up in his chair in surprise, because he had no idea why he was suddenly the center of attention.

Christine bowed her head down mournfully. "Yes, I do. But,but... I've never gotten a question wrong before. I've ... I've nevereven been with a man before! Couldn't he and I, do first, uh, ...something romantic... you know, I..."

"Silence!" Ms. Morgan slapped a ruler down hard on the table.She shot Christine a dirty look, causing Christine to cower in abjectembarrassment.

Then Ms. Morgan was all smiles again as she looked at Alanfrom across the room. "Hey stud, it looks like another special treat foryou. You get to pop another cherry! And the last virgin holdout in theclass, too. Would you like to come up and do the honors?" She seemed soeager to see Christine humiliated that it was obvious the older Heatherwasn't that much kinder after all.

Forgetting he was daydreaming, he thought in wonder, Can this really be happening?

He stood up and looked around the imagined classroom. Very,very few students in his real class were also in his dream class. Mostof the boys and all of the average looking or ugly girls were gone, andin their place was a stunning array of incredibly gorgeous girls. Someof them were real girls from school who happened to be in other classes,including Amy, Katherine, and Janice. But most of them seemed to becomplete figments of his imagination.

He went to the front of the class and stood there, right next to a trembling Christine.

Ms. Morgan leaned forward on the other side of her desk, eagerly awaiting for the two of them to begin.

He could tell what he was supposed to do: fuck Christine onthe teacher's desk. But he was confused. Everyone appeared to have seenthis many times before, as if there was an established ritual. But hismind was a complete blank of any previous experience.

"Christine, don't dilly dally!" The older Heather growled. "You know what to do."

"Yes, Ms. Morgan," she whispered.

The real Christine did not suffer fools gladly. Had this beenher, she would have stomped out of the room and gone straight to theprincipal if not the police, and generally raised holy Hell. But thedream Christine was meek.

Looking like she wanted to cry, she dropped to her knees andbegan to fumble at the zipper on Alan's shorts. She complained, "Thisisn't right! It's not fair!" But her words came out in such a quietwhisper that even Alan could just barely hear her. A large part of herseemed to very much want to see his penis, even as some other part ofher resisted.

The zipper went down and an extremely long, turgid dick fell out.

He was shocked to see that it was a good four inches longerthan his real life penis and a great deal wider too. It was a monster. Amurmur of wonder could be heard from his classmates. He noted thatapparently his stiff cock was a sight that continued to amaze even ifone had seen it many times before. It stood straight out from his body,as stiff as an ironing board.

Christine made the sign of the cross over her chest as shewhispered and prayed, "Mother Mary, please protect me from this thing!If there's a God, don't make my first time be humiliating like this!"The rigid erection swayed menacingly around her nose.I think you should take a look at

After a quick glance at an increasingly impatient and irateMs. Morgan, Christine turned back to his hard-on inches from her faceand grabbed and steadied it with one hand. Her other hand went to one ofhis balls, which she hefted up experimentally and uncertainly. Shebegan to tentatively stroke his boner with one hand, but she was doingit all wrong, running her hand over the top as if petting the back of acat. Christine was broad-shouldered and big for her five foot nineframe, but just the same her hand seemed comically small juxtaposed nextto Alan's freakishly large dream penis.

She kept her eyes closed as she timidly petted it. Tears began to pour out of her eyes.

He thought, This is wrong. She's not happy. I should stop this. Christine is a good girl. She doesn't deserve this. But there was no conviction behind his words. He had some kind of vaguenotion that he was dreaming and noted that the dream-Alan didn't seemto have many moral qualms about the situation.

Then what little fondling Christine was doing came to an end.Instead, she asked with her eyes closed, "Ms. Morgan? Can I ask aquestion? Why are we doing this? Why are you allowing this? Surely, as afemale teacher, you would see the need to maintain an equitable balancebetween the sexes and prohibit this new school regulation thatspecifically authorizes Alan and only Alan to have sex with every singlegirl in the-"

"Quiet!" Ms. Morgan came around the desk. "How dare youquestion my teaching methods and the school rules?! And look, Christine,what kind of star pupil are you? You call that a handjob? Do I have toshow you everything? ... Fine."

One of Ms. Morgan's hands appeared from the side and nearlysurrounded Alan's massive erection. That hand went to the underside ofhis cock and began to massage his sweet spot, just behind his cockhead."See? Right here. Focus here. Have you learned nothing from watching himfuck the faces of all the other girls?"

Her other hand rested on top of Christine's immobilized handand she held it and brought it the underside of his shaft. "You do it!And for God's sake, girl, your mouth is for licking or sucking his cock,not complaining!"

Christine still seemed reluctant, so Ms. Morgan put her otherhand on Christine's head and forced Christine's face forward until hertongue tentatively made contact with Alan's cockhead. While one of herhands and one of Ms. Morgan's continued to jack off his thick log, sheexperimented with flickering the tip of her tongue around his piss hole.

Ms. Morgan drew close as if to inspect what Christine wasdoing from mere inches away. She breathed heavily onto his huge pole,both because she was so aroused that she was having trouble breathingand because she knew it would further stimulate him. Then her mouth drewcloser until her tongue also began to swirl around the tip of hiscockhead.

Christine was doing well by now, but her face was forced offthe thick erection as her teacher slowly claimed all of the cockhead forherself.Christine watched for a minute as Ms. Morgan licked, thencomplained, "It's just too big! I'm scared." But her chest heaved as herexcitement grew.

The sight of the joint cock-licking also caused a small commotion in the class.

Alan heard murmurs of some classmates' gossipy comments. Hedistinctly heard one girl say, "There Ms. Morgan goes again! Luckybitch. Gets to suck him off every day. She never lets any of us cocksuckhim without joining in!"

With Alan's cockhead now fully occupied by Ms. Morgan's busylips and tongue, Christine focused on her handjob techniques instead. Ajar of KY Jelly, or something similar, appeared somehow and Christinesmeared the jelly all over her hands and then all over his shaft. Sheresumed stroking with both hands and did much better than before. Nowthat his pole was properly lubricated, she seemed to increasingly enjoysliding and squeezing her hands all over it.

But, as Alan's classmates correctly predicted, Ms. Morgancouldn't keep herself to just licking the tip. Soon she swallowed moreand more of the giant phallus. But since his dream-cock was so big, evenas she attempted to deep throat it, she could only take about half ofit. And it had such a great girth that she looked like she was trying toswallow a Big Mac whole. Yet, amazingly, even with her mouth completelyfull of cock, she continued to bark orders to Christine, saying thingslike, "Tongue! Sirry girr, uuude da tongue!"

Christine, however, was still too shy to use her tongue, andthe best spot to rub just under his cockhead was already taken by herteacher's sliding lips. She seemed to be at a loss and mostly juststared at the incredible amount of impossibly thick cock Ms. Morgan hadsomehow managed to fit inside her mouth.

The ever-helpful teacher noticed Christine's lack of activityand cried out, "Da bawhs! Douwn foe-gehd the bawhs!" Tears of effortran down Ms. Morgan's face as her tongue somehow tantalizingly ran allaround the Coke can of cock inside her mouth.

Christine followed the teacher's advice. She began to lickand suck Alan's balls while continuing to hold the base of his cock.Since his cock was super-sized, there was a lot to hold. His balls wereproportionally sized to his cock, which meant there was no way for aninexperienced girl like her to fit one inside her mouth. But she put herlips and tongue to good use and even managed to continue to fist theslippery lower half of his erection. Her body was betraying her andgetting into it. Yet, at the same time, her initial tears had given wayto open sobbing.

Alan was disturbed by that, yet he found her distressstrangely arousing. He was also frankly shocked that he hadn't cum yet,given how he faced so much stimulation. Just the sight of Ms. Morgantrying so hard to please by swallowing so much cock was more than enoughfor him to cum. Yet, perhaps because it was a dream, he kept going witheven more stamina than the real Alan ever had.

Ms. Morgan finally pulled away, utterly exhausted by whatmust have been a huge ordeal for her jaw. When she recovered her breath,she said, "So Christine, that's how you suck cock. Any questions?"

"Yes!" Christine cried out as the tears flowed down hercheeks. "You don't seriously expect me to put that whole thing in mymouth, do you?!"

The teacher cackled an evil laugh. "You know that sucking hiscock is a requirement for any girl to pass this class, do you not?Either you do it now, or you stay after school and practice, practice,practice."

Christine just whimpered.

Still on her knees, Ms. Morgan unbuttoned a few buttons onher blouse and looked up at Alan's face. "That reminds me. I know I'msounding like a broken record, but I have another extra credit projectfor you to help me with after school. Your other favorite femaleteachers will be there, as usual." She winked.

Alan nodded. He had no doubt that the "extra credit" involveda lot of fucking and that all the other teachers were hot (after all,it was his dream and clearly his imagination was extremely generous). Ifthe Heather in this alternate reality was anything like the realHeather, it probably meant he was in for a lot of assfucking. Heimagined a row of female teachers with Playboy Playmate bodies, all bentover in a line in front of class, waiting for him to pick an ass tofill.

Christine experimentally ran her tongue around Alan's gianterection, now that she had it all to herself. She was doing much betternow that she was highly aroused (though still incredibly embarrassed).

She soon rediscovered the sweet spot beneath his cockhead,and began to lick there exclusively. At the same time, she continued torhythmically fist the rest of his shaft and fondle his balls.

But after a minute or two, Ms. Morgan barked, "Not bad, itlooks like you've been watching and learning what the other girls and Ido to it. But that's still a failing grade. Just start sucking on thetip. Licking is not tough. I know you've aced all our cocksuckingacademic assignments and tests; now's your chance to put that bookknowledge to practical use."

Christine complained, "But teacher, it's just too big!"

"Does my mouth look any bigger than yours? No. But I manageto fit it in every day, several times a day I might add. Look at all theother girls in this class. They've all done it too. So why can't you?You're the lone holdout!"

So Christine did as she was told. She tried to get as much ofthe tip in as she could, but his cockhead was so ridiculously wide thatit seemed to blot out her entire face. She continued to cry, thoughmaybe more from frustration and fear than humiliation.

Ms. Morgan still breathed heavily on Alan's enormous dick,but she began to stand up. However, as she did she stepped onChristine's long dress where it rested on the floor, and managed to ripthe fabric all the way up the side.

Christine stopped what she was doing and shrieked. In so doing, she opened her mouth wide.

Ms. Morgan had actually done this on purpose, hoping for thisvery result. She suddenly grabbed Christine's head and shoved itforwards onto Alan's huge shaft. Miraculously, the erection went inside,though it seemed as if there wasn't a millimeter to spare on any side.

Christine's eyes bulged; she couldn't believe what washappening. It didn't seem anatomically possible (and it wouldn't havebeen outside a dream). Somehow, she had swallowed the entire giantcockhead, and her lips were wrapped around his cock just past it, so herlips provided friction right where his super-sensitive sweet spot was.

At first she just recovered a bit, and practiced breathingthrough her nose. Soon she discovered everything was fine and that shecould even slide her lips back and forth on it. She seemed surprised andenergized by this feat and began to suck with abandon.

Ms. Morgan had been using her hands to help force Christine'shead back and forth over his erection, but before long she realizedthat Christine didn't need the help and stopped doing it. She let go ofher completely and looked out over the class to see if they were payingsufficient attention.

Alan simply could not believe how good it felt as Christinefisted part of his cock, sucked on his cockhead, and played with hisballs on top of it. He had such a long erection that it very literallyseemed like he had two penises, a six-inch penis at the base and anothersix-incher attached to the end of the first one, and she delivereddouble the pleasure any normal penis could ever hope to experience.

Ms. Morgan, meanwhile, continued to "accidentally" walk allover Christine's dress, tearing it here and there. Then she "helpfully"took a pair of scissors and cut away what was left of it, which leftChristine below the waist in just socks, sneakers, and panties, whilefully dressed above it.

The teacher stood back and addressed the class. "As you cansee, Christine is working on preparing the cock for insertion into hervirgin pussy. Because it is so extremely huge, it needs to be very welllubricated. Her mouth is not only getting his cock slick from hersaliva, but it should be making her fairly soaked down below, which willalso help. Aren't I right, girls?"

There was a nervous chuckle from the class.action

Alan turned his head around and saw that most of the girlshad their hands on their crotches, their chests, or both. Some of themappeared to make subtle rubbing motions, and some not so subtle. Henoticed that a few of them had their legs spread widely and were notwearing any panties. The twenty percent or so of the class that was malealso seemed to clutch at and furtively fondle their loins.
