I apologize once again, Things have been hectic in my family and I couldn't post the chapters as regularly. Please forgive me!!
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Alan made it from Heather and Simone to his first class almost tenminutes late. He ran most of the way, which left him very winded.Luckily, he had a very good reputation with his teacher, Mr. Tompkins,so he didn't get any punishment. In fact, the teacher only gave him asilent, disapproving look as he took his seat.
Alan breathed a secret sigh of relief. Phew! Close call.Any later, and it would be a lot harder to explain. That's what I getfor starting ten minutes late with those two. There's no way I couldhave a "proper" session with them in just twenty minutes. Live andlearn.
He looked to Christine sitting next to him and gave her a smile. Damn!Out of the sexy frying pan into the sexy fire. She's lookin' GOOD! Ifshe only knew what I've been doing all morning. Karate chop to the head!Yikes! I'm such a cad. But how could I resist such incrediblepleasures?!
Christine was disappointed, and only gave him the barestsmile in return. She'd loved her date with him the night before, so hadbeen looking forward to talking to him again at school ever since she'dwoken that morning. But since he was late, she couldn't even tradehellos with him before class started, despite the fact their desks wereside-by-side.
Normally, Christine had strict, self-imposed rules aboutfocusing on the teacher during class, and nothing else. Alan hadobserved that, so he almost never tried to whisper to her or otherwiseget her attention once class had started.
However, not only was Christine eager to communicate with Alan, but she was also dying of curiosity. First, she wondered, Whywas Alan so late today? And that's hardly the first time that'shappened lately. But even more curious is how he continues to look tiredand flushed, even now that he's recovered his breath. That doesn't jibewith a short run to class, unless he's very out of shape, which heisn't.
But most suspicious of all is that he has this aggravatinglook of sexual satiation and great happiness on his damn face! I'll bethe had sex right before class. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if hewas with Heather! Damn her! She's like an evil succubus, constantlyleading him astray!
Christine had started taking notes of Mr. Tompkins' physicslecture. But she didn't need to, since she'd long since mastered thematerial he was explaining. So she started a note on a new piece ofpaper, simply writing the words in big letters:
"Hey. What's up?"
Then she tilted her notepad to the side of her desk where Alan would notice and read it.
Alan was very surprised when he saw her message, sinceChristine simply never wrote notes to people during class. But he waspleasantly surprised, and eager to play along, so he wrote on hisnotepad, "Hey, you. Not much. How about you?"
She glanced at his note and smiled. Because their desks wereside by side, they didn't need to pass notes on paper to each other.They could simply write in large letters with their notepads positionedat the edge of their desk closest to where the other was sitting. Thestudents behind them might be able to see that the two of them wereexchanging messages, but they would be too far away to read what wasbeing said.
While still pretending to look at Mr. Tompkins, she wrote, "Why so late?"
He quickly wrote back, "I was having a blonde moment."
She simply wrote, "GRRR!"in especially large letters. She assumed that was a Heather referenceof some kind, maybe even a confession of sorts that he'd been with her.
He responded, "No,really. I was thinking about my favorite blonde - you - and what agreat time we had last night. I got all spaced out and giddy, and thenlost all track of time." His writing was smaller this time since he had a lot to convey, so when he finished he simply handed his notepad to her.
Christine was slightly scandalized by that, since she didn'tconsider herself the type of bad student who passed notes in class. Butshe couldn't resist reading what he'd written. She was pleasantlydelighted at the flattery, even though she knew he was bullshitting. Shecouldn't help but grin a bit. She wrote back on his notepad, "Yeah, right. What's the real story?" Then, she furtively looked around and handed his notepad back to him.
He wrote, "Okay, the truth. I'm in the middle of a top-secret, undercover, journalistic investigation. I'm tracking down a hot lead." Again, he handed his notepad back to her when he was done.Christine was finding herself enjoying this. She was makingonly the barest pretense of paying attention to Mr. Tompkins. Luckily,he was explaining something at the chalkboard and had his back turned,so it didn't matter that they were rather flagrantly passing notes backand forth. She wrote, "B.S. detector turned on. Let's hear the fairy tale."
He responded with some inspired spontaneous playfulness. "It'sno fairy tale; it's gonna be front page news! I'm about to solve themystery of how this totally smokin' hot babe named Christine Anderssenis smart enough to get into Stanford despite having blonde hair. I'vefigured it out: she has THREE brains!"
When Christine read that, she couldn't help but smile andgiggle a little bit. She quickly covered her mouth with a hand. Hercheeks reddened slightly at being called a "totally smokin' hot babe."She elected to ignore that, and just wrote back, "Three brains?! What the heck?!"
He wrote, "No,it's true. I figure that each of your breasts are about the size of ahuman head. So each one must have a brain inside. The combined power ofthree brains equals super genius!"
She was leaning over into the aisle slightly and trying toread what he wrote even before he finished, but his writing had becometoo small for her to do that. Once the notepad was handed back to her,it took all her willpower not to giggle or laugh out loud. She had tocover her mouth again. She quickly wrote back, "That'sso untrue. You're a total perv! But here's another 'hot lead' for you. Iknow of a brown-haired guy who has NO brain, at least in his head. Hisname is Alan Plummer!"
Now Alan was the one forced to cover his mouth to stifle hislaughing. Luckily, he didn't make any noise, and Mr. Tompkins was stillpreoccupied in any case. He wrote, "Wow,you know TWO Alan Plummers?! Amazing coincidence. I'll get on thatstory once I finish this one and win my Pulitzer Prize. I just needproof."
Her smile grew. She was having fun with this. "Sorry, but you're not going to get it. Believe me, I have just ONE brain. And I only know ONE Alan Plummer!"
He gleefully wrote back, "I don't believe you. But let's settle this once and for all. Just let me fondle your chest heads until I'm satisfied." He stopped writing. Then he went back to the word "fondle" and crossed it out. He replaced it with "investigate".
Christine was having an even harder time not laughing. Shewas particularly amused by his phrase "chest heads" to refer to herbreasts. She had to turn away and look at Mr. Tompkins for about aminute to regain an outwardly-serious demeanor. But she was having greatfun, so as soon as she was composed again she wrote, "And just how long will it take for you to be satisfied?"
He responded, "Probablyforever. But hey, you never know. We should try things out for a fewhours and see how that goes. Quick, pull up your shirt and take off yourbra so we can get started!"
She snorted with amusement. She quickly looked around,worried that she'd made too much noise and that other students wouldnotice their note-passing. But luckily, Mr. Tompkins had pretty muchalready lulled the rest of the class into a semi-comatose state.Furthermore, Christine was such the "goody-goody" that nobody wassuspicious in the least.
Again, she decided she needed to recompose herself beforegoing on. She could feel her nipples hardening and she hoped Alanwouldn't notice. However, she knew he would notice, and that onlyfurther aroused her. But it was the idea of Alan fondling her barebreasts in the middle of class, while everyone else somehow magicallyfailed to notice, that really got her going.
She wrote back, "That is so not going to happen! Besides, I'm not the anatomical weirdo; you are. You have boobs on your brain!"
He was very happy that she was letting him get away with thislevel of innuendo. They'd come a long way in the last two months. Hereplied, "Fairenough. I can tell your butt-brain is feeling left out. If you stand upand take all your clothes off, I promise I'll spend just as much timefondling that part of you, looking for your butt-brain."
She had to cover her mouth again as she silently laughed. Ittook willpower for her not to squirm in her seat, now that she wasthinking about getting her ass fondled too. "I am NOT going to do that, EVER! And I do not have a butt-brain!"
He wrote back, "Sureyou do. I figure you're as mighty as the stegosaurus, and stegosauruseshad butt-brains, as everyone knows. Ergo, you must have a butt-braintoo."
She realized she was getting far too amused, not to mentionfar too aroused. She pictured herself standing naked next to her desk,with her hands on the top of her head for some reason. She stood stifflylike a soldier on parade while a fully clothed Alan ran his hands allover her body.
NOOOO! You idiot! Not here! Everybody's watching! Showsome self-restraint! Take me to some private room and have your way withme there!
But in her vision, he wasn't listening. He even knelt down and started inhaling her pussy aroma.I think you should take a look at
Without thinking, she reached down to her actual pussy mound, trying to push him away before he started licking there.
Then she realized with a start that she was having a vividdaydream. She jerked her hand away just before she actually touchedherself down below. Then she looked around, realizing with great reliefthat no one else had noticed. She decided this in-class communicationwas way too dangerous; it needed to stop before she got caught doingsomething stupid.
But first, she couldn't let his ridiculous stegosaurus claim go unchallenged. She wrote, "Firstoff, this notion that stegosauri had a second brain (and not abutt-brain!) is an urban legend. It's completely untrue! It was just acavity that was misidentified by some ignorant buffoon with anoverly-active imagination. Someone like the bird-brained, boob-brained,breast maniac sitting next to me!" She looked to her other side, and noticed a guy named Stan sitting there. So she added to her note, "The one to the left of me named Alan Plummer!"
At first he had been going to pin the blame on Stan, but herealized that wouldn't work after her clarification. That led him towrite, "'Breastmaniac' sounds harsh. I prefer 'mammary maven' or 'dirigible devotee.''Airbag aficionado' also works. Even 'cantaloupe connoisseur,' if youwill. And I will, if you will!"
Luckily, Christine was well practiced at stifling laughter athis silly jokes, so she managed not to guffaw out loud. It was a veryclose call though. Furthermore, she was getting far too aroused forclass. She even felt a strange compulsion to somehow take her bra offunder her shirt to drive him wild. But that was madness. She decidedthat she absolutely had to stop this note writing, and right away.
So she wrote, "You're a total nut case! Enough, already! Let's get back to Mr. Tompkins!" She gave Alan a harsh look while passing his notepad back to him for what she figured would be the final time.
Then she turned back to their still-oblivious teacher. Herheart was pounding hard. It wasn't so much the note that made her thathot and bothered, but more her own fantasies, such as a vision of havinghim fondle her naked body in front of class. That didn't entirely leaveher head.
However, Alan didn't mind having to stop, at least for awhile. He could see that her attempt to act stern lasted all of aboutfive seconds, and then she went back to grinning about all of his silly,teasing notes. He felt good, knowing that he'd put that smile on herface.
After about a minute, she sobered up enough to realize thathe'd been successful in completely distracting her from asking wherehe'd really been and what he'd been doing just before he rushed intoclass. She still strongly suspected that Heather had been involved. Butshe also realized that he was unlikely to give her a straight answer onthat, especially if Heather had been involved. Instead he would justcontinue to deflect her questions with yet more silliness.
Alan decided to let Christine be for a while. He tried to payattention to the class, but Mr. Tompkins seemed especially boring thatday. Alan couldn't concentrate on anything their teacher was saying. Heconcluded he'd be pushing his luck with Christine if he teased her anymore during class, so he decided to see if they could at leastcommunicate about other things via their note writing. Anything wasbetter than listening to Mr. Tompkins drone on.
A couple of minutes later, Alan wrote on his notepad in big letters, "I'm bored!" Again, he pushed his notepad to the edge of his desk where Christine could read it.To his pleasant surprise, Christine wrote back, "Me too."
He wrote in smaller letters, "I like communicating with you like this. It's fun." Then he furtively handed the notepad to her as he had done earlier.
She looked around with worry. But she couldn't resist. She wrote, "Too much fun! I'm so bad. You're corrupting me" and then she passed his notepad back to him.
He replied, "How do you spell 'Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha?' Is that enough ha's?" Again, they were passing his notepad freely back and forth.
"I think you need more ha's."She grinned as she wrote. But she didn't want to keep finding it hardnot to laugh in class, so she attempted to keep their communicationserious. She added, "How are your college applications coming along?"
"Okay, I guess." In truth, he hadn't done anything about them since his six-times-a-day treatment had started.
"Have you turned in your UC Berkeley application yet?"
"No. Why should I?"
Christine wrote in especially big letters, "The application is due in THREE DAYS, you dummy! All the UC-system applications are!"
He blanched. He quickly wrote back, "Are you serious?!"
"Ofcourse I'm serious! Their applications are due on November 30th. Howcan you not know that?! Isn't UCB your first choice, of the placesyou're most likely to get in?"
He felt like the floor had just opened up beneath him. "It is! Thank God you told me in time! How is it that I don't know that?!"
"Didn't the college counselor tell you that?"
"Um, no! Now that I think about it, I never did get called to meet with the counselor. Maybe that's still gonna happen?"
"Maybe, but what good will that do you, if you find out after the end of November?!"
He responded, "I know! Pardon my French, but... CRAP!"
She wrote, "Youshould still be okay. It just needs to be postmarked by the 30th.You've got until Saturday night. Didn't you say you already wrote yourcollege essays last summer, so they wouldn't interfere with your schoolwork?"
He thought back and remembered that he had, including the essay Berkeley required. "Thank God for that! That'll help, to say the least. And thank God for you! I owe you, big time!"
So far, the two of them had made practically no eye contactduring their secret communication, as they just stared at each other'snotepads. But now Alan briefly looked to Christine's face and saw hergiving him an almost evil grin. Then she wrote, "What's the word? Oh yes, I believe it's 'Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!' Note the proper number of 'ha's.' ☺ Since I own your ass now, that means the shoe is on the other foot.Maybe I'll have YOU stand naked in the middle of class so that I canfondle YOU all over. That way I should be able to find your brain,wherever it is, if you even have one."
He quickly wrote back, "Okay! Sounds good!" He made as if he was about to stand up.
That got Christine's full attention. She stared in disbeliefas he started to rise from his chair. She quickly leaned across theaisle and lightly touched his upper arm while hissing quietly, "Stay inyour seat! What do you think you're doing?!"
He was very pleased at how that had turned out. Mr. Tompkinswas still talking while writing on the chalkboard, so he was extremelyunlikely to notice, even if Alan had stood all the way up. Of courseeveryone else in class would have noticed, so his bluff would havefailed at that point, but he knew that Christine would freak out first.
He went back to his notepad and wrote, "I thought you wanted me to stand up and strip?"
She wrote back on his pad, "Not here! Not now!"
"Okay. Later then."
"Not that either! You're a total nut case!"
He grinned to himself as he wrote, "P.S. Here's a secret tip for when you search me: my brain is in my shorts, so search there extensively!"
"Your brain IS in your shorts, you goofball! It has been for months. What am I going to do with you?"
"Hmmm... I have ideas.. Sexy ideas! Which reminds me: we need to schedule your first chest head inspection.."action
She rolled her eyes when she read that, but she couldn't resist grinning too. She wrote, "Hey,get your mind out of the gutter and think about getting your Berkeleyapplication in on time. You're damn lucky that I'm applying there too,as one of my back-up schools, so I knew the deadline. Get your acttogether!"
He realized, She does have a good point. A damn goodpoint! I think I'm kind of losing my mind, with all this non-stopsexiness happening all the time. I DO need to get my act together. Iplanned to review my college applications over the four-day weekend, butwhat if I didn't get to it until Sunday? Or later? Crap! I don't evenwant to think about that. This Berkeley deadline is a real wake-up call.
He wrote, "You'reright. I've been spacing out. I do need to get serious. As much fun asit is trading notes with you, we probably should stop, at least for now."
She frowned, because it had been a lot more enjoyable than listening to their physics professor. She wrote back, "Okay.Good call. But when class is over, I'm gonna slap you silly for spacingout on such an important thing. Get into UCB, dammit! Then we'll onlybe an hour apart if I get into Stanford."
He responded, "Ideserve to be slapped. And it will be pretty cool if I get intoBerkeley and you get into Stanford. Then I can continue my research onyour chest-heads. And my butt-brain research too, also with you, funnilyenough."
She wrote, "You're the butt-brain! What a frigging idiot! ☺"The added smiley face showed that she was more amused than annoyed.With another furtive look all around, she handed his notepad back tohim.