Most of the Galaxy were completely unaware of the threat that it was currently facing. Within this century, an extra-galactic invasion would occur, one that had the potential to completely annihilate all life within the Milky Way.
It was a terrifying prospect, one that had the capability of causing mass chaos across the galaxy. As a result, only those galactic leaders at the highest level of power knew about this sobering reality. For this reason, the sudden changes that had occurred to the balance of power which had existed since time immemorial were truly hard to understand.
For starters, a relatively unknown civilization which only entered the Interstellar Age a mere five centuries ago had suddenly jumped past all of their potential rivals to become the 6th Major Galactic Power.
While shortly thereafter the Ghimderi Trade Union suddenly disappeared from a sudden and shocking self annihilation. The effects of which damn near crippled the Galactic Economy. In fact, most lesser civilizations were still recovering even though years had passed since then.
lightsΝοvel Then all of a sudden the Alfheim Dominion and the Svartalfheim Federation, two factions which had been arch nemesis since the end of the Primeval Era a million years ago, suddenly ended all hostilities, and instead entered an economic union.
After which, the other two major Galactic Powers entered this economic union as well, with the Germanic Star-Empire apparently somehow being the mastermind. This was a union that officially only economic, appeared to have some form of military ties as the five current Major Galactic Powers worked together to not only eliminate the accursed Naraku but also any other insectoid species within the galaxy capable of interplanetary flight.These things had all happened in the span of a single decade, without any warning signs prior. Naturally, nobody knew how it had all transpired, or what the primary motivating force behind them was.
Because of this uncertainty, there was speculation everywhere across the galaxy. With the denizens of the Milky Way expressing an enormous variety of conspiracy theories of how this came to be. Primarily through the galactic network.
One thing became common among them although, Erich Jaeger, the current Germanic Star-Emperor and first of his kind, was a man whose means were beyond all comprehension. And his current foray into the Bug Wars as a soldier leading the charge was proof of this.
Prior to Erich's descent onto one of the fiercest battlegrounds taking place within his crusade, the Germanic Star-Empire in all its might had trouble penetrating through the local insectoid air defenses.
But the moment Erich took the field to lead the charge, everything hanged. Morale had increased to damn near religious levels as the Germanic soldiers rallied behind the sight of their emperor fighting on the front lines and followed his example.
The efforts of the Germanic Soldiers and Marines were damn near suicidal as they dredged their way through the treacherous tunnels that the local insectoid race had burrowed deep within the planet's crust, and in doing so massacred nest after nest of the species.
With the advanced scanners that Tia had invented, and were currently employed by the warriors of the Empire, they were capable of finding every breeding ground where the insects laid their eggs. Smashing the queens who laid them and lighting the eggs aflame killing the larvae inside before they had a chance to hatch.lightsnovel
It was a complete and total one sided genocide. One which the Germanic Citizens watched and applauded. Insectoids were about as far from human life as possible, and because of this, the cynical, and xenophobic Germanic people cheered on as another species was wiped out into a stater of complete and total extinction.
And it was not only the planet that Erich was fighting upon where the soldiers of the Empire had such fanaticism. Every battleground that was being waged across the galaxy by the Empire had a similar effect.
Who cared about death when one would revive back in the fleet as good as new? Death was temporary, but the glory of the Empire was eternal! And thus humanity marched to the beat of its own drum, wiping out species after species of insectoids without a slightest care for the loss of intelligent life.
It was a genocide which most of the galaxy was vehemently against. Yet they were powerless to stop. After all, the major galactic powers which rivaled the Germanic Star-Empire made no move to counter the GSE's attempts to wipe out insectoid life in the galaxy. Nor did they make any official proclamation condemning it.
In fact, the Alfheim Empress, and the President of the Svartalfheim Federation came out in a surprising joint statement, condoning the actions taken by the Germanic Star-Empire and its mighty Emperor as being both necessary for the continued security and safety of the Milky Way Galaxy, and as a valiant action undertaken by a warrior race on behalf of all life forms.
Had this been five to ten years prior, one would never see the Alfheim Empress and the President of the Svartalfheim Federation agree on anything. Let alone public praise of a foreign power.
And while it was expected from the Alfheim Dominion, whose empress was married to Erich. Few people knew that Daelia was the true power behind the throne of her people, and thus they could not understand why the Dark Elves also supported the Germanic conquests so openly.
One thing was certain: the galaxy was changing. For better, or for worse? Few could tell as there was not enough information regarding why the Empire was undertaking such efforts to annihilate insectoid life.
But there were theories spreading like wildfire across the galactic network. And one of them was fairly close to the truth. Suspecting that the insectoid races of the galaxy were actually in cahoots with the Naraku, and that the Narkau were possibly an intelligent species after all, and not just roaming hive fleets of animalistic bugs.
However, due to how little the galaxy knew about the Naraku, aside from the classified information which the Major Galactic Powers kept in secret, this theory could not be confirmed. Nor was it taken seriously as Tia actively countered the claim so that the public did not learn of the horrifying truth which awaited the Milky Way.