The moment that the Germanic Fleet, led by Admiral Emrys, entered the system which the Naraku Scout Fleet Behemoth was in it opened fire on the bugs and their many large warships. They did not even wait for their Alfheim Allies to join them in battle.
The Germanic fighters, piloted by AUXILIARY series, support droids took to space and engaged the many drones that the bugs sent after them. All the while, the point defense systems aboard the starships fired at the oncoming drones which vastly outnumbered their own fighters.
Yet unlike in the previous timeline where the drones were capable of contending with the Germanic starfighters one on one, the odds were heavily in the Germanic Navy's favor. Why was this? Because the ability to process information on the battle, and control the starfighters which they were piloting were vastly superior when in the hands of robots powered by basic artificial intelligence.
Everything from their reaction time to their reflexes and their processing speed allowed these robotic starfighter pilots to vastly out compete their flesh and blood rivals. Even someone like Erich who had served in the legendary Black Sun Squadron, and was renowned for his piloting skills that were a result of his cyber kinesis, was out-competed by these AUXILIARY series support droids.
Sure, losses began to mount, after a time. But the Naraku were being slain one hundred to one by the single fleet worth of fighters. For the record, the size of Naraku Scout Fleet was significantly larger than a single Germanic Fleet.
A single Naraku Scout Fleet consisted of thousands of ships, each of which could send their own drones out into battle. While a single Germanic Fleet consisted of one hundred warships, only a few of which were capable of carrying fighters.
It simply wasn't comparable in scale. But the Germanic technology was so advanced, and the fact that pretty much everything was now automated by artificial intelligence, something that vastly outperformed the Naraku hive mind, to the point where these two hundred warships took limited damage.And while the star fighters penetrated the thick fog, what were essentially the galaxy's most dangerous wasps, blasting them into red mists with every fire of their weapons. The larger warships focused their advanced weapons onto the Naraku warships. Penetrating through their thick bio-armor and dealing substantial damage with each volley.
By the time the Alfheim Fleet entered the system, the Germanic Fleet had lost only three warships, while the Naraku had lost 300, and hundreds of thousands of drones. The Elven Admiral was stunned by what he had seen.
His fleets were even smaller than the Germanic ones, but while the Naraku ships dwarfed the Germanic ships in terms of size and carrying capacity, his own warships did the same to the Naraku.
When he saw the damage that the single Germanic fleet of 200 warships and maybe ten times as many fighters was dealing to the Naraku Scout Fleet, the Admiral nearly lost his mind. It took him several minutes to give the orders to provide assistance to the Fleet, which was acting as their spearhead.
"Begin the attack!"
Without the Naraku drones which were in such a significant number, and so small in size penetrating through the sparse defenses of the Alfheim Warships, their massive, planetary annihilating weapons were able to focus on Naraku warships. Dealing devastating damage to the ships as they did so.
And it did not take long, especially after the Queenship was destroyed by an Alfheim weapon, for the remnants of the Naraku Fleet to be dealt with. In the end, the bugs either devoured themselves, or were mopped up by the forces of the Germanic-Elven alliance. And with limited casualties, at that.
Across the Galaxy in Svartalfheim Space, a similar battle had just unfolded. Like the battle against Behemoth, this Scout Fleet was also targeted by the Germanic Fleet, which was significantly smaller in terms of the size of its warships, and also the number which they had deployed.
Yet just like the other battle, the Germanic ships acted as the spearhead, taking the focus of the Naraku, and dealing significant damage in the process, while the Svartalfheim vessels provided support from afar.
The result was a complete and total annihilation of two Naraku Fleets, which had been a blight on the galaxy since sometime during the Primeval era. When the battle was over, the Alfheim and Svartalfheim admirals contacted their respective empresses and reported what they had witnessed.
Both Lunaria and Daelia were so stunned by this news that they had immediately contacted Erich, demanding an answer to just how large his naval forces currently were.
lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "Erich… Don't tell me you have been hiding your strength from us! We need to know, as your wives, and your allies, just how large your navy is?"
Erich had accidentally revealed too much power in this battle. He had, after all, underestimated the amount of damage that the Alfheim and Svartalfheim Fleets had dealt to the enemy. And thus he was at a loss… He knew these women would not be satisfied until he told them the truth, and thus he sighed heavily before doing exactly that.
"Well, I wanted to keep this a secret, but fine… I will tell you the current scale of the Germanic Navy, but you must promise me that what I say never leaves this call. Do you understand me?"
Both Lunaria and Daelia nodded their pretty little heads, waiting for Erich's answer, which he gave them after seeing their agreement to his terms.
"Currently… The Imperial Navy has fifteen different armadas. Each of which is composed of five fleets. Which means that we currently have around fifteen thousand warships capable of being deployed across the galaxy and beyond at a moment's notice.
Though this might seem like a major victory, you have to remember that these are scout fleets of the Naraku. Meaning they are not nearly as large, or as powerful as those awaiting us in Andromeda. In fact, I'd wager that I will need at least one whole Armada to deal with one Naraku Hive Fleet from Andromeda. And they have an estimated one hundred plus Hive Fleets in Andromeda that they intend to send to the Milky Way….
This means I am still decades away from having the strength necessary to contend with the future Naraku Invasion on my own. And now that you and the other Major Galactic powers realize that your own fleets are inadequate to properly fight the Naraku on your own. We can all move forward together to properly prepare for what is to come.
That is once the Naraku Scout Fleets and their servile insectoid races are all wiped out…."
Lunaria and Daelia both felt like they had been slapped in the face after hearing just how large the Germanic Navy was. Fifteen Thousand Warships made them the largest Navy in the galaxy, and judging by what they just witnessed, they were also the most technologically advanced… It was a truly frightening thought when they understood that Erich must have been preparing for this reality since the moment he was given power over his people.