Chapter 311   - Stop The Operation

I'm tired of this selection.

I was planning to launch the event and disappear in the wind. Not to coordinate the tests, set up the secret challenges, and help his majesty woo the future Empress.

It is in part my fault. If I chose anyone else as a potential bride for the Emperor, I wouldn't need to convince her. But, at the same time, I couldn't predict it would have turned out like this.

I believe it's good for the Emperor to have a challenge to overcome, by the way. He'll value the future Empress a bit more if he sweats to get her attachment.

?I've talked with the girl,? I say to his majesty.

We're having lunch together for the second time in a few days. And it's again in front of the window.


As far as I know, Emperors don't have the luxury to eat every day at the same time. But I've never failed at spotting Lorene somewhere in plain view at the right moment.

I've made the servants take track of her walking habits, and they're surprisingly irregular. Sometimes, she walks before eating. Sometimes later...

There is someone alerting her when she can be spotted.

Also, some days she didn't walk under the royal window. After inquiring about it, I found out his majesty didn't have his meal alone all of those times.

I wasn't expecting to see her appear today, but it seems I'm not a threat to Asteria's plans.

Among the list of people my uncle delivered to me, there isn't anyone in the position to tell about the Emperor's habits. I doubt the spy is someone from the Dowager Empress's entourage, as she has very little interest in having a competitor for the throne. She does have deals with Asteria, but she must be exchanging power with a piece of the territory or some rights to the routes.


?What... What is the outcome of the chat??

?I've confirmed the lady isn't unwilling to be married in Ethiro,? I say. ?But she doesn't believe that she has a chance to become the Empress. It's understandable, but it means she's not fleeing because of dislike.?

?So, should I try again...? the Emperor starts.

I shake my head and bite my tongue. He better avoid scaring the girl even more.

?I believe it's better to stop the operation. The lady is already charmed. Rather, I would like to start with the second part of the plan.?

?Second part??


?Once your majesty has chosen a bride, I'll redact an educational plan for her. All the ladies on the shortlist have a different background, so I'd like to ask your majesty to inform me about the final decision in time. Even before making it official.?

?We're going to drag it till the end of the year, right?? he sighs. ?No one will know until the end who the new Empress is going to be.?

?But I can't wait months for this task. There are many things an Empress has to learn. Even if the marriage is delayed a few years, the earlier the lady starts learning, the more she'll be able to do by that time.?

?I will follow your suggestion, Archduchess,? he affirms in a low tone. Almost conspiratorial. ?The official announcements will happen in three months. I give you that time to solve Ethiro's problems. If you can't, then I'll look for someone else to help me.?

?Yes, your majesty,? I chuckle. ?Three weeks will be enough to solve it.?

?What would the educational plan for lady Eliza be?? he inquires, now curious. ?She's already knowledgeable, as far as I heard.?

?I'll just suggest some books to read and some matters to do research on. Lady Eliza has the ability to learn by herself. We'll send her a proper teacher after the engagement is made official.?

The teacher is more to avoid Myrya bullies her more than they've already done. When Georgia hears her younger, overlooked sister has won the position she was aiming at... Oh, I don't want to think about it.

?She needs to learn proper manners of speech and etiquette. Especially for someone of the rank she's going to become,? I add.

Her humble reasoning has to disappear before she returns back to court.

?I will take care of that,? the Emperor accepts, nodding his head.

Now, all that's left is to finish the rest of my plans.

Three enemies are to be settled. The Dowager Empress and the Ambassador are those that are next in line. And, with luck, they can fall down together.

Duke Grahm is another headache of mine, but he'll have to wait to be put back in place. For now, let's just let some gossip circulate at court.

I align the papers on the table, the name on the front so big that it's impossible to notice. Caroline Grahm.

She's the front runner in this selection, so it won't be much difficult to believe.

Just in time, because a servant enters the room to bring us some hot tea.

?The lady is very elegant, isn't she?? I comment.

?Yes, indeed,? his majesty sighs.

I'm getting used to seeing him like this.

What else could attract him if not Eliza's natural elegance? Even more attractive than Lorene's trained composure.

The servant collects the plates and leaves the tea, along with a few snacks. I can sense his eyes on the paper and his ear listening to his majesty's words and tone. His brain, making the connection...

It should be enough.

If it doesn't work, I'll repeat the same process with another servant. Until I find a chatty one or someone close to the Duke.

?My job here is done, your majesty,? I say when we're alone. ?I'd like to return to my family now.?

I have a lot of work ahead. I don't need to waste time with tea and small conversation.

?Next time, bring the Princess along,? he comments. ?I'd like to see her.?

?Is our wing of the Palace so far, your majesty? Your majesty doesn't need to wait,? I comment.

I'm not willing to bring my daughter any further than Alexander's gardens.

If anyone is curious, they can come and see Lavinia under my and Alexander's watch. The attempts on her life have decreased in frequency and intensity, but getting out of our guarded place is dangerous.

The Emperor laughs out loud, throwing his head back in the motion.

?All right, I understand,? he comments, even though I'm quite convinced he doesn't grasp the full extent of my words.

?I'm relieved, your majesty.? He could get offended, but luckily he knows our motivations.

?Also, tomorrow, I'm having tea with the delegation from Asteria. Would you like to join??

?With what name?? I chuckle. ?As Archduchess Kyre or one of their granddaughters??

?As an advisor to the crown.?

?I'd refuse if your majesty allows me. Just one single thing I'd like to say. Lorene isn't as pure and innocent as she looks. I'm sure she has many tricks up her sleeve. Your majesty, be careful around her. Especially not to be alone without anyone else nearby. It could create a scandal difficult to settle. If my predictions are correct, they will at some point create a chance for that. I hope it'll open your majesty's eyes. Asteria is not the right ally for this moment nor the years to come. It's better to have a stable, less powerful link to another country that doesn't meddle into our internal affairs.?

?Are you referring to the human trafficking affair? I silenced it as you advised. The culprits are serving the sentence in the royal prisons, but they refuse to admit who's behind it all.?

?It should be proof enough that something bigger is going on.?

?What are you planning to do, Archduchess??

?To make them come out in the open before severing ties,? I admit. ?Once their schemes are exposed, they won't be able to start a war. They won't have many followers either... They'll just overlook our discourtesy and continue on. Maybe, they'll direct their attention to the east, to another harbour out of the Empire's control. There are many in that direction.?

They will sacrifice one of their pawns in exchange for nothing. It won't happen again: the death of their younger Ambassador won't be paid back by a whole city.

It just so happens that this will help me get rid of the Dowager Empress too. I can't let her get away with all she's done. Especially killing Alexander's parents. Twice.

I've started having dreams of when Alexander went back to Kyre. Most of the time, he just missed me. But the information he didn't pay any attention to is surrounding him.

Asteria didn't declare war publicly, but they cut the Empire into pieces. All of that, thanks to a helper within. Someone that was promised a throne.

And she gets it. Alexander didn't even care that the Dowager Empress was ruling the central piece of the Empire. She paid her greed with the blood of her citizens and most of the land, but she finally sat on the sacred chair.

This time, things can't repeat themselves.

Now that we're entangled in events like this, Kyre won't become a safe heaven just like it was supposed to be. Thanks to the Princess, then just Martia Kyre, the north detached and stood out of any conflict.

Now, that would be impossible. Things are too complicated, and there's an heir to the throne more than planned.

The dreams are hinting me which direction to look, but they're not helping me prevent anything. I'll need to come up with a plan if I want to prevent the secessions and the Empire's collapse.

What happened to the young Emperor? No matter how many dreams I have, I can't collect that information. Alexander didn't care one bit, so he didn't even go where something useful could have been said.

?Your majesty, I will now go,? I exclaim after finishing my cup of tea. ?If anything happens, I'll be glad to help. But I'll take some time away from the court in the following days. If I'm not needed, of course.?

?You shouldn't worry, Archduchess. The selection was a tedious process. You deserve some time for yourself.?
