
Current Patreon Members:

Silver Tier:

William Osborne

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Nizar Alkhalil



After two hours of the most academic productivity Alan had had inweeks, if not months, he found his concentration waning. He stood up andstretched, then walked across the hall to the bathroom to pee andsplash cold water on his face.

He was only gone for a short time, but even so, when he opened the door to return to his room, he saw Suzanne lying on his bed.

She was sitting up on all fours on his bed, wearing littlemore than high heels. "Good afternoon, Sweetie, or should I say goodevening?" It was seven o'clock already. "Looks like you've been workinghard." The tank top she'd apparently been wearing at one point wasbunched up above her pendulous breasts. The only other item she wore wasa pair of red satin panties.

Alan felt a vague stirring in his loins, but his penis didn'tspring to life as it normally did when presented with such a sight. Hmmm.What's wrong with me? Am I becoming jaded already to even the likes ofSuzanne? Look at her! Her hips are so wide. Her breasts are simplymassive! And that face! She's doing her "come hither and fuck me" lookeven more so than usual. She could be on the cover of any magazine.She's so smart, and that's sexy too. So what's the problem with me?!

Playing for time while waiting for his penis to revive, he answered, "Yeah. You could say that again. Very hard."

"I assume you mean that in more ways than one," she replied as she crawled across his bed towards him.


"What about finishing my Berkeley application?" he asked.magic

"That is VERY important, of course. But we voted. We allagreed that after a good hour plus of work, you needed a break." Sherolled her eyes as she added, "Mom was particularly concerned that youmight suffer from the dreaded blue balls."

He teased, "Hmmm. A break sounds like a good idea. Maybe I'll play video games for a while."

"Very funny," she replied, not amused. "I can see the lust inyour eyes - although not in your groin just yet - so you're not fooling me." She sat up and idly scratched her cleavage, as if there was somekind of insect bite there. In fact, it was just a clever way to furtherdrive Alan's attention her way. "By the way, how many girls did my bigstud son fuck in school today?"

He walked to his bed and sat on the edge since she was takingup the usual spot where he lay. "You know, Mother, it's not that easyto fuck girls in school. The lack of time factor alone is such a drag."

He cupped the undersides of her big boobs with both hands.Thinking of Simone before school and Heather during sixth period, heanswered, "I guess you could technically say I only fucked two, though Idid get intimate with a few more." He smiled, belatedly realizing howincredible that would sound to any of his classmates, 99% of whom wouldnever commit any kind of sex act on any school grounds in their entirelives.


She shot him an eager and sultry smile. "Hmmm. Only two? Are you sure that's all?"He grinned. "Well, I did get basically blown, titfucked, andfondled by the entire cheerleading squad when they were warming me up tobuttfuck the head cheerleader, now that you mention it. Does that countfor something?" He still held her tits, so played with them awhile.

She cocked an eyebrow. She thought, I have to admit,that's pretty impressive even by his usual standards. I'm becoming moreand more Susan-like in the way that hearing about his sexual exploitsturns me on. She could feel her breath quickening.

She exclaimed, "Wow! You're not too tired now? I mean, you've had quite a full day already."

He thought about that, and then replied, "No. I'm good,energy-wise. It actually hasn't been that tiring. Think about earlier - Iwas just sitting there, while you and Mom did all the work." He broughthis hands up to her nipples and started playing with them.

Now that she had the green light, she was ready to rock. Shesurprised herself by saying, "I'm very proud of you, Son. But I'll betall that and everything you've done since you got back home just isn'tenough, is it? My son's stiff pussy tamer is looking for some tightmommy holes to fill, isn't it? It's been about two hours now since anyfemale touched your cock." She sighed theatrically, "That's an absolutetragedy! Now you're all bursting with a huge cum load that you just haveto pump in thick squirts into some sexy babe, don't you? I wonder...What could we possibly do about that?" She winked in an incredibly sexyand endearing manner. She was the ultimate expert in seduction, andevery move of her body was planned for maximum arousal.

Alan's flaccid penis twitched a bit, but he still didn't feelan erection growing. He was disturbed that Suzanne, who could justabout give a marble statue a woody, apparently wasn't having an effecton him.

Stalling to give his penis more of a chance to respond, he commented, "You sound just like Mom."

She frowned. "I know. The scary thing is, I pretty much meanit. It's pretty addictive to think that way. Life's so simple, justliving for sex, thinking about sex."

"Tell me about it!" he replied, still playing with hernipples. "Speaking of Mom, what happened to her? I kind of assumed she'dcome by to drop off a snack or something, like she usually does whenI'm studying."

Suzanne replied airily, "Oh, that was in the old days.Nowadays, I imagine she'd walk in carrying a snack with all the bestintentions in the world to behave herself, take one look at your crotch,drop to her knees, throw off whatever top she's wearing - assumingshe's wearing one, which is a big assumption, mind you - crawl betweenyour legs, and start sucking like her life depended on it. And once shegets her head or tits near your crotch, we all know how hard it is topry her away. Needless to say, that could be a bit distracting for yourwork. Do you remember the whole stealth stroking idea, where one of uswould slowly jack you off or blow you for hours and hours as youworked?"

"Of course. You make it sound like ancient history, but thatwas just last week." He laughed as he said, "I heartily approve of thatidea, by the way!"

"I do too. And I think we'd all like to go back to that very,very soon. We girls would probably have to make a sign-up sheet so wewouldn't fight over who gets to do it when. But I've put a hold on thatfor now. Look what happened when Katherine came in here a couple ofhours ago. Not good. First, we've got to see at least a couple days ofsolid progress with your work. So, for today at least, your mom and theothers are banned from coming into your room unless I say so." Shesmiled and added, "I've nominated myself as the only one with theself-control to come in here today."

"Ah," he said simply, as he twisted her nipples like radio dials.lights

Suzanne was a bit put off by his reaction. "What? I have willpower. I haven't even touched Alan Junior yet."

He noted, "That's only because it's still flaccid."

She opened her eyes wide with pretend surprise. "It IS?! Sweetie! Are my senses deceiving me or what? Where's my erection?!"

"Is it really so surprising? Most guys can only get it up a couple of times a day."

"I know, but you're not most guys. Usually after a nap youwake up with a nice- hey!" Suzanne gave him a near angry look. "Don'ttell me you were waiting for Susan and you're disappointed in me?"

"No! Nothing like that. My mind is willing, and I even havethe energy, but I think my dick is just worn out. I'd totally be intohaving fun with you right now, but I dunno... It's just kind of hangingthere. It's not even half hard. I mean, if there's a limit to how muchstimulation a dick can handle, I've probably reached it, and then some.Today has just been too much."

"Hmmm. Sounds like it could be serious. Let's have a look at the problem."

As his second mother closed in on his crotch, he thought, Thisis odd. Who would ever have thought that Suzanne, especially dressedlike that, or I should say undressed like that, wouldn't give me thehugest boner humanly possible? Am I maxed out on sex? And with thepoke-her party happening tonight and everything. Talk about lousytiming.

Suzanne looked at his flaccid penis and reached out to strokeit to life, but then she changed her mind and stood up instead. "I'llbe back in a second. Don't move. That's an order!"

As she rushed out of the room, she thought, He can saywhat he wants, but I'm sure that, even as oversexed as he is, he'd stillget hard if Susan was here. And damned if I'm gonna be outdone by her!It'll be a cold day in Hell before I fail to get him hard!

He sat up in his bed and waited for her to come back. He didn't have to wait long.

Suzanne sauntered into view through the open door. Shepaused, as if she hadn't been expecting him, and looked in hisdirection. "Oh! Howdy, partner." She was trying to look casual, but shecouldn't hide her excitement.

He gasped with genuine surprise. "I'd been expecting something sexy, but not THAT! Daisy! It's been too long!"

She smiled widely and walked into the room. She was wearingextremely short jean shorts and a thin yellow shirt that covered herboobs, or at least valiantly tried to, and little else. She'd quicklydampened her top in the bathroom across the hall and now it clung to herlike a second skin. The wetness also rendered the shirt nearlytransparent. She was a woman on a mission. "Oh? You know little ol' me?That's funny, 'cos I don't reckon I know you."

"You don't? Daisy, I've fucked you on two different occasions a month or more ago." He could feel his dick rising.

She shimmied her way closer, which set her unfettered breastsbouncing hypnotically before her son's lustful eyes. Since he wassitting up naked in his bed, she could watch his dick engorging. A-ha! I knew this would work!

All he could think was, Hot damn! That outfit is my Achilles' heel!

As she swayed her hips dramatically, she also pulled down hershorts until the top of her bush came into view. "Hmmm. Fucked metwice? I get fucked so many times a day, a mere couple of fucks ain'tgonna leave much of an impression." Her eyes went wide as she got nearerand stared at his crotch. "Good Lord Almighty! Why, it's even biggerthan Pappy's!"

His cock was now standing straight up. "Jesus, Daisy, look! Iseem to have sprung up as quickly as if I'd just chugged a whole bottleof Viagra!"

She licked her lips. "Jesus? Hmmm. That guy with a beard, in a robe? I reckon I fucked him once or twice too."

Alan guffawed at that.

She pretended to slowly recognize him as she stared at hiscrotch. "Wait. Wait one cotton pickin' minute. I DO reckon that cock isfamiliar. I ain't no good with names or faces, but I never forget acock!"

She wasted no time. She pushed him backwards, causing him tofall from a sitting position to lying back on his bed, although his feetwere still on the floor. She turned, made an athletic hop up on the bedso her knees were on either side of his, and then sank herself downonto his stiff pole. The whole process took five seconds at the most."MmmmmMMMMMmmmmm!"

He groaned, but he sounded exasperated. Then he groaned againas his mother went to work, grinding and churning on his cock. He hadto admit that her vaginal talents were second to none. Her inner wallssqueezed in the most delightful and unpredictable ways, even as her hipsperformed all kinds of tricks of their own.

She joked as she continued to slowly grind her way down ontoher son, "What? I'm a Duke. I can't hardly be expected to sit down if Iain't got some kind of dick for me to center myself on."

He suddenly had a vision of the Duke family as they gottogether for dinner in a ramshackle Southern mansion. All of the manywomenfolk pushed aside uselessly short skirts and plunged themselvesonto wooden phalluses built into the middle of their chairs. Or atleast, most of them did. Some simply sat naked in the laps of theirfathers, brothers, or sons. The imagined scene was too arousing for himto take. He found himself groaning even louder and gripping Suzanne'smidsection for dear life as his erection throbbed and twitched inside ofher.

She broke out of character briefly as she moaned, "Holy shit.Dear God, this is SO. DAMN. GOOOOD!" But she quickly returned to herdrawl, and said in a perky though raspy voice, "This is how us Dukegirls say 'Howdy!' to strangers don'tcha know." Alan's cock hadcompletely filled her up, and she liked it that way. Rather than bounceup and down, she wiggled and writhed her hips back and forth on him,doing all the work. At the same time, she squeezed his boner with herpussy muscles with still more expert movements, heightening the pleasurefor both of them.

Most any man on Earth would have cum on the spot. But luckilyhe had grown used to such a high level of stimulation, and he couldtake it. The pleasure though, for both of them, was simplyindescribable. He didn't understand how she could work her churning hipswhile squeezing her pussy at the same time, but somehow she did.

He was content to just lay there and let Suzanne do all thework. Partly, he was feeling lazy, but mostly he knew that if he got hiships pumping on top of all that she was doing, he would cum too soon.

There wasn't much need for talking though, since both of themwere about as aroused as humanly possible. But they remained incharacter nonetheless, with Suzanne occasionally making wry commentslike, "Here's another 'Howdy' for ya!" or "Just bein' neighborly!"

This went on for quite a while, with their mutual pleasureslowly rising and rising to great heights. Finally, he yelled, "Daisy!I'm too close!"

However, his words seemed to have no effect. The way Suzannecontinued to relentlessly grind down on top of him, he knew he couldn'tlast for long. She seemed determined to get him to fill her up with cum,and right away.
