Chapter 1095 Small ! ---------------------------------------------
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By the time Heather and Simone approached the classroom door, Christine was on her feet.
As they drew near, Christine eyed them, and particularlytheir chests, with great alarm. Katherine's words that Alan was onlyinterested in girls who had chests with E-cups or larger was very muchon her mind. She felt secure that she'd safely passed the bar with herown 38Fs - perhaps this was the first time she didn't regret having suchendowments - but she could also tell that both Simone and Heatherreached Alan's minimum standards, which very few other girls in theschool did. If one added in the other basic requirements Katherinementioned of having a fit body and pretty face, Simone and Heather werein an elite school group that could be counted on two hands at the most(and that number would have been cut in half had it not been for all thegirls from rich families who had boob jobs).The judgmental "Ice Queen" thought, I know for a fact thatAlan is having sex with these two wanton hussies. He told me himselfthat he's having sex with Heather, and I overheard Simone say she washaving sex with him too. But how can that be? He has better taste thanthat. Tell me it isn't so! She was terribly distressed both that hewould have sex with girls with reputations like theirs, and equallydistressed that they were so beautiful. Competing with such acombination of beauty and willing sexuality was daunting.
Christine had given up all pretense of just happening to bethere, and from her body language it was clear that she was guarding thedoor to Glory's classroom.
Simone knew that Heather and Christine had hated each otherpretty much ever since they'd first met, and certainly long before Alanwas a factor. They were opposites in many ways and too similar in others(for instance, their quick tempers). However, Simone had more of areputation of getting along with everyone, and besides, she andChristine had made a connection of sorts at the sex shop recently. Soshe tried to at least mediate between the two fiery blondes.
"Hello, Christine. Nice to finally talk to you face to face."
"The same, Simone," Christine replied, but the brittlefrostiness in her eyes and in her voice told a different story. Her armswere crossed beneath her heavy breasts in a defiant gesture, whichuncharacteristically emphasized the intimidating dimensions of herexpansive bosom. At a time like this with Heather and Simone standingside by side, Christine was thinking much more about how Simone wasHeather's best friend than she was about how Simone had helped her atthe sex shop.
Simone continued, in a pleasant and casual voice, "We're looking for Alan. Do you know if he's in there?"
"What's it to you?" Christine coolly asked in a precise andmeasured tone. She felt very protective of Alan, wanting to keep himfrom these women. Even as she stood there she was mentally cursing themas "hussies" and "tramps," the kind of bad influence that she was surehe would want no part of. She continued to stare at their chests morethan their faces, and with increasing alarm.
Heather understood Simone's attempts to mediate, but shedidn't have much patience for it. She barked at Christine, "Get out ofmy way, you prissy Miss Manners. Since when did you become Alan's guarddog? WE have some very important business to attend to here!" Her armshot forward.
At first Christine was tempted to use her martial artstraining to grab Heather's arm in a way that would control her. She knewshe could dominate Heather physically and longed to do it. But she hadnot sensed a direct attack impulse from Heather, despite Heather'sobvious ill will toward her. She realized that Heather's arm would missher, and the "important business" comment made her pause.
That let Heather get in several loud knocks on the doorbefore pulling back. She smiled triumphantly over her small victory.Then she turned to Simone to deliver a snide comment about Alan andGlory being together behind a locked door, only to think better of itwith Christine standing there.There was an awkward pause as the three of them waited forsomeone to answer the door, with Christine still standing directly infront of it.
Christine looked Heather over from head to toe disapprovinglyand then, with disgust dripping from every word, said, "What's with youtoday? You're dressed more like a whore than usual. I thought you weresent home earlier for outrageously violating the dress code yet again. Ican't even imagine what you looked like before then! What, did you haveto leave school for a quick trick with one of your many Johns?"
Heather gave Christine such a confident, powerful, evil starethat almost anyone else would have blanched and looked away. ButChristine held her ground and continued to contemptuously stare rightback at her enemy.
Heather, though, was hardly fazed. She shot back, "At least Iknow what to do with a hot, tight body, and I know what sex is. Youdon't have the foggiest clue, do you? I almost feel sorry for a lonelylittle unfucked virgin like you." She melodramatically wiped away animaginary crocodile tear.
"Hey!" Simone quickly butted in, realizing that jibe cut toodeep. Heather was used to being called a slut and even a whore, but noone called Christine a virgin to her face. In fact, anyone who utteredany insult to Christine's face generally lived to regret it. Simonebarked, "Everybody, cool it!"
Just then the door opened. It was Glory.
Christine, with lightning reflexes, managed to get out of theway as the door opened directly into the space where she'd beenstanding. She ended up standing so much to the side that Glory seemednot to notice that she was even there.
If Glory missed her, that was in no small part due to Glory'ssurprise at seeing Heather. The only words Glory and Heather had everhad for each other outside a classroom setting were subtle jibes andrazor-edged insults, so Glory couldn't fathom why Heather would go outof her way to come see her during lunchtime. Then her eyes took inSimone standing at Heather's side. She was a bit mollified that shewouldn't have to face Heather alone, but the presence of both of themalso increased her curiosity.
As a teacher, she felt obliged to be at least marginallycivil, especially with Simone there. "Heather. Simone. What brings youby? Here, come on in."
She opened the door wider and Heather and Simone waltzed in.
Christine remained out in the hall. With Heather and Simonearriving as they had, she hadn't had any time to digest her conversationwith Katherine, but now that she was alone she started to ruminateabout it. Since their arrival had completely killed her ardor andreminded her of her self-doubts, she started thinking about things in acompletely different way.
I must be out of my mind! Here I am, talking with Alan'ssister about how to tempt him so I can become yet another one of his'helpers'?! No way would I ever share him with the likes of Heather.Heck, I wouldn't even want to share a drinking fountain with Heather. Ahussy like her must be a walking cesspool of sexually transmitteddiseases. Do I really want to become like her? No! Simone is nice inperson, but the gossip says she sleeps around just as much as Heatherand that they even sleep together. Ugh! No thanks! I want to lose myvirginity, but not that badly!
However, she knew on another level that, as much as sheprotested, that night she was yet again almost guaranteed to have sexualdreams involving Alan.action