Chapter 1092 Bringing Christine into the harem?  Current Patreon Members:

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Katherine's strange smile finally made Christine break the strainedquiet between them, after two solid minutes of total silence.Christine's eyes narrowed and her gaze sharpened as she saidsuspiciously, "Katherine? Why are you smiling?"


Katherine quickly snapped back to reality. "Yes. Uh, I wasjust thinking. I was thinking that you were going to yell at me, butafter a while you didn't say anything so I was smiling because I washappy that you weren't going to yell."

She mentally patted herself on the back, as that sounded fairly plausible. Again, she thought, If Christine only knew! If she could read minds, I guess I'd discover just how good she is at kicking ass, firsthand.

Christine grumbled, not at all mollified, "Well, I SHOULDyell at you, that's for sure. But who am I to cast the first stone? I'vebeen thinking. How can I really blame you, because I understand howAlan inspires feelings of intense loyalty. The truth is, I've been doingmore than my fair share of spying lately too, mostly because I want toprotect him from harm. So I shouldn't be that angry. But I am! I'm DAMNangry!" She felt the bitter feelings rise again, but somehow she justbarely managed to bring those feelings under control.

Finally, she sat back and sighed. Most of the tension seemedto flow out of her. She looked up and down the hallway (belatedlyrealizing with alarm that she'd gotten so involved with Katherine thatshe'd been failing to keep a good lookout). She sighed in relief as sherealized no one was there.

After another but less awkward long pause to collect herthoughts, she said, "I'm upset, but it'll pass. Don't worry. As you cantell, I'm a little high strung and temperamental. My parents have somany high expectations for me. I think I take things too seriously."

She let out yet another world-weary sigh and looked up anddown the hallway. "For instance, I'm probably taking guarding Alan fartoo seriously. It's not like the football players are going to burstinto the classroom behind us and assault him while he's with a teacher,but here I am, waiting for the off chance he might leave early. You seemlike a reasonable person. Can you tell me when I'm taking this wholebodyguarding thing too far?"


Katherine smiled. "Sure. But you'd have to go pretty farbefore I'd say anything, because I obviously don't want any harm to cometo him either. No way, José!"

Christine frowned, momentarily deep in thought as shepondered some of the different ways Alan might come to harm. But thenshe said, "Of course when I spy on people, or my friends spy on people,those are enemies. It's one thing to spy on an enemy, but quite anotherto spy on a friend. Maybe up until last night you thought of me as anenemy, but if you're sincere about being friends, I can give it my bestshot too."

She turned around to face Katherine as she said this and gaveher a wonderful smile. For someone known as icy, she could nonethelessturn on the charm, and when she did it was almost always with genuineemotion.

"I think we both could learn from each other and help eachother. But there's one thing I want to get clear. I'm not trying tosteal Alan away from Amy. After all, it's not like he'd ever want to goout with the likes of ME."

Christine sighed again as she thought about that lastsentence. She was a complicated person, and one such complication wasthat while she was supremely confident in most things, she had nearlyzero self-confidence when it came to anything sexual or romantic,despite her extremely outstanding good looks. While she realizedobjectively that people thought of her as beautiful, deep down she feltlike she was big and ugly. Given a choice, she'd rather have been cuteand petite than the broad shouldered, curvy, athletic shape her body hadbecome.

Katherine replied, "What, are you mental? You're so totallyhot that it hurts. You know the only reason why all the guys in thisschool aren't falling all over each other to ask you out? It's becauseyou're so beautiful that they're intimidated."


Christine gave a wan smile. Her anger at Katherine had mostlypassed because now she was busy feeling sorry for herself. "Thanks.That's kind of you to say, but I know that's not the only reason they'reshy around me. I'm the school's notorious 'Ice Queen.' Maybe you and Icould talk about that some time and you could give me some pointers onhow I can change that. I'd like that. But I still want to clear the airabout my intentions with Alan."

She paused, and then continued, "Damn, now that I think aboutit, you heard everything last night already. Oh God, how embarrassing!It's a good thing we're going to be friends; otherwise I'd have to kickyour ass!" She said this only half in jest, and in fact her hands werestill clenching at her sides. "I meant what I said, what you overheard.You know from that that I'm not um, well, romantically experienced..."

She blushed and had another surge of anger as it started tohit her just how much Katherine had overheard, but she pressed on, "And,well, since Alan already has a girlfriend, all I really want from himis for him to, you know, kind of..."

Katherine could see Christine's extreme embarrassment andhelped her finish her thought: "Help you out in the inexperiencedepartment?"

"Yes. Well..." Christine was grateful for the assistance, butnonetheless she blushed even more furiously. "It's not like I want tobe his girlfriend... Well, okay, that's not entirely truthful either. Iwould, if it weren't for Amy, but I am NOT going to try to steal himaway from her. No way! For one thing, she's so kind and so nice. Who intheir right mind would ever want to hurt her? And it's not like he'dever want me over her in a million years in the first place... Oh God.Listen to me! I sound so pathetic. One minute I'm pissed off and thenext minute I'm wallowing - you must think I'm totally schizo."

She sighed, then recovered. "But you know what? I feel a lotbetter, just talking about it. I never talk about this stuff withanyone." Suddenly, her voice sharpened again and she glared atKatherine. "You WILL keep all of this completely confidential, won'tyou?"

Katherine merely nodded. "My lips are sealed on anything we say, including what I overheard last night."Katherine found it hard not to be intimidated by Christine,this close up and personal. Christine simply radiated charisma andauthority. But every time she felt like cowering and groveling beforethe "Ice Queen" for her forgiveness, her jealousy surged up hot andfierce again. She thought, I will NOT prostrate myself to beg for mercy from the likes of Christine!

"How can I trust you?" Christine demanded. "After what youdid last night, give me one good reason to believe I'm not making a hugemistake even telling you the things I just did." Her confidence cameback now that the topic had moved to safer ground.

"Well, for one thing," Katherine replied, "after I got homelast night I told everyone in my family exactly what I'd done. Amy wasthere too, since it affected her as well. I made a solemn vow that Iwould never do that kind of thing again, and that, in fact, I'd find away to make it up to you. Ask Alan or Amy. If I screw up again, believeme, Alan especially will have my ass."

As soon as those words left her mouth, Katherine had a hardtime keeping a straight face. She had to pause and pretend like therewas something in her eye. I hope that's true, in a very literal way! She pulled herself together and finished, "He specifically told me thatif I made any further mistakes with you he'd go postal. Ask him aboutthat yourself if you want."action

Christine thought about that. "Good. That gives me somereassurance, at least. I'd like to try this friendship thing out, but ifyou say one word..."

Suddenly, Christine's mind got distracted by other thoughts."Hey. I have a question. My idea about Alan helping me with myinexperience, that's predicated on this whole notion of Amy not reallycaring about sharing him with others. Is that really for real? I mean,really? Completely truly? I keep hearing that, even from Amy's lips, butI just don't believe it."

Katherine smiled broadly. "Yep. Alan has a LOT of lovers. Allof them are gorgeous girls. And Amy really is totally cool with it."

Christine's bewilderment was written all over her face. "But why?"

"First off, she really is as sweet and sharing as sheappears. Plus, most of his other relationships pre-dated when theystarted going out, so it just seemed natural to keep things going. Sheknows he couldn't give them up - he's too addicted to the variety, andhe loves some of them too much - so she didn't ask him to. Also, sheknows that if she didn't agree to that arrangement, a lot of other verydesirable girls would be in line who would."

"Is that all? So she's basically agreeing under duress?"

"Not hardly! I mean, if you have a boyfriend and he does something impressive, that's a feather in your cap too, right?"

"Yeah?" Christine could see where this was going, and didn't like it.

"So... Amy likes it when Alan sleeps with other women. Themore impressive they are, the better. It just proves what a great catchhe is, you know? And Amy doesn't have a jealous bone in her body, so whynot?"

Katherine could see that this line of reasoning was only going toprovoke an argument, so she quickly shifted gears. "But if I couldchange the topic, I hate to bring up my eavesdropping again, but I heardyou basically ask to be one of his helpers, as you put it. Whathappened to your outrage about that arrangement?"

Christine dropped her head in shame. "I know. I should beoutraged. But I get these... urges. And dreams. I keep having all thesedifferent dreams about Alan. I've become fixated about him being the onewho will... you know..." She didn't need to complete her sentence, asit was clear she was talking about him taking her virginity.

Katherine slipped into the mannerisms of a psychologist. "Isee. There's nothing to be ashamed about with that. Every girl your agehas similar urges and dreams." She then dropped the psychologist act toadd, "I've even got them myself, so it's not like you're the only onewith that sort of problem."

"Really?" Christine looked up at Katherine with uncertain hope and more than a little surprise.

Katherine thought, Hee! If you only knew just how similarmy dreams are to yours. They even star the same guy! Hee-hee! But youpoor thing, you seem to think having any sexual urge is a sin. What cavehave you been living in? She replied, "Speaking for myself, I have all kinds of crazy dreams and fantasies. It's just a part of life."

But Christine persisted, "You don't understand. My dreams arevery... disturbing. They're weird! Bizarre! I don't act like myself,not like I should act at all. I act like... Well, I can't tell you."

Katherine joked, "Who do you act like? Wonder Woman?"

Christine's jaw dropped. She was absolutely floored. Sheblushed down to her chest as she stared at Katherine like she was somekind of mind reader. "Wha...? How? How did you know?!"

Now it was Katherine's turn to be surprised. Whoa! What's this? The queen of the "Goody-goodies" is having kinky Wonder Woman dreams? Maybe there's hope for her yet!

But seeing panic rising in Christine's face, she quicklyexplained, "Um, sorry, that was just a wild guess, just somethingcompletely off the wall. You said really bizarre, and then for somereason I got to thinking about your Wonder Woman T-shirt. It reallysticks out because you don't wear any other clothes with any kind oflogos or sayings on them at all; everything is very high class. But thenyou have that simple shirt with the Wonder Woman artwork on it."

Still dreadfully embarrassed, Christine explained, "I know. Igot that as a present from my parents. I kind of have to wear it everynow and then or they'd be offended. Plus, I've kind of always been a bigfan."

Christine paused, and then buried her head in her hands as the implications of all that was said became clear. Oh no! My deepest secret is out! I'll never be able to live it down! She looked ready to cry.

Katherine thought about this. What's going on here?Obviously she's not freaking just because she's a fan of Wonder Woman.That's no big deal. Dreams of herself as Wonder Woman are no big dealeither. But I remember that old show and Alan used to have a bunch ofthe comic books. There was a kind of sexual bondage theme going on, nowthat I think about it. Wonder Woman was always getting caught and tiedup. I'll go out on a limb and bet THOSE are the kinds of dreams she'shaving. Especially since she's got the hots for Big Brother. There'ssomething about him that makes a girl all weak-kneed and submissive andwanting to suck cock with her hands tied behind her back. Or maybe thatlast bit is just me, tee-hee!

I could totally picture Christine as Wonder Woman, heldcaptive by Alan and forced to strip off her own uniform, forced toSERVE! Her super powers would be completely useless against my brother'ssuper cock, hee-hee! That would be really hot. It would almost be worthit to have her join the harem, just so I could see Brother titfuck herwhile she's all helpless and angry, still wearing bits and pieces of herWonder Woman outfit.

She had a Eureka moment as she continued to think. I know!This could be my big chance to solve the whole Christine problem andsave the harem from her relentless curiosity. It's risky, but I've gotto give it a shot.She said, "Christine, look. First of all, your secrets arecompletely safe with me. I'm on big time probation with Alan and if Imess up again he'll totally kill me. So don't worry about that. In fact,the dreams you have aren't strange at all. I have all kinds of similardreams myself. For instance, sometimes I dream that I'm one of the Bondgirls, working for the enemy. James Bond captures me - personally, Iprefer the Pierce Brosnan version, though he's a bit old - and torturesvital secrets out of me. Sexually tortures me. He ties me up and doesall kinds of stuff to me."

Shock again crossed Christine's face, but now it was from curiosity, not shame. "What kind of stuff?"

"Well, I can't really get into it without grossing you out."

"Try me."

Katherine had to suppress a grin. A-ha! I knew it! She'stotally into that kind of thing! There IS hope! If Christine is secretlya slave to her perverted lust instead of the super moral, nosy prissthat she acts like in public, maybe she won't go nuclear if and when shehears about the incest after all. Especially if we could get somereally incriminating evidence of her acting out her fantasies. Oooh!Blackmail. I like!

Katherine had an even greater urge to smile after consideringall that, but she just barely managed to keep a poker face. "It'sawfully embarrassing... First off, you have to imagine rope. Lots ofrope. I'm bound and completely helpless. And naked. Utterly nude. Thatis, unless he's ripped my clothes off, in which case there may still besome shreds of cloth here and there."

"Yes?" Christine couldn't hide her growing eagerness to hear more.

Katherine thought, Well, I'll be! Sproing! Christine's nipples just announced themselves in a big way. She's getting totally hot! Hee-hee! But she said soberly, pretending shame, "Here's where it getsembarrassing. Then, usually, he spanks me. Hard. On my naked butt. Andthen he does other things to me. Sexual things. It's so embarrassing, Ican't really go on, but... Well, he puts his hand between my legs and,well, I can't tell you any more than that!" She faked greatembarrassment by turning her head and closing her eyes.

Christine put a hand on Katherine's shoulder. "Don't worry.You don't have to say more. I understand. I understand completely. Alltoo well, in fact. And your secret is safe with me. I know what happensnext because I have almost that exact same dream sometimes. Nearly everynight, in fact. Except that I'm Wonder Woman captured by the bad guysinstead of a Bond girl captured by the good guys. In a way, that's a lotworse, to have to submit to evil. But I can't control what I dream whenI sleep." She dropped her head in shame.

The two of them sat there for some long moments, contemplating their revelations.

Finally, Finally, Katherine reached her hand up to her ownshoulder and placed it on top of Christine's while saying, "You know, Iwas talking earlier about being your friend, but now I'd like that evenmore than before. It seems like we have a strange, secret bond betweenus. We both have the same kind of embarrassing dreams."

Christine looked at her gravely. "I need help! Professional help. What should I do?!"

She replied, "Well, that's one thing I wanted to talk to youabout. I know it must be disconcerting for you, especially if youhaven't had dreams like that before, but really, it's not that uncommon.It's perfectly normal. You don't need help. You see, some people aredominant and others are submissive-"

Christine barked with irritation, "I know that much. But upuntil a month or so ago, I was the other way. I'm a natural leader. Evenmy dreams and fantasies were completely different."

Katherine again replied, "But did you realize that mostpeople are some mix of dominant and submissive? It's kind of like howmost people are a mix of gay and straight. It's a different mix foreveryone, but sometimes certain people bring out certain urges thatotherwise might not come out. Maybe in your case you're a naturaldominant except when it comes to Alan. There's really nothing wrong withthat."

But Christine persisted, "There is. I feel so dirty, sowrong, just thinking about it, much less talking about it." She lookedat Katherine with sudden surprise. "Wait a minute! I can't believe I'mactually talking about this with another person! This is so..."

Katherine finished the sentence in a different way than whatChristine intended. "Normal. This is completely normal. Christine, don'tyou hear other girls talking in the locker room and whatnot, everysingle day? What are they talking about most of the time? Sex! Well,maybe technically not most of the time, but certainly a lot of the time.And while most of the talk at school is gossip about relationships andstuff like that, you should hear the really private talk in groups oftwo or three. Things get REALLY explicit, a lot more than what we'vetalked about today. That's just normal."

Christine commented, "Of course, I talk with my friends likethat sometimes, but we're a pretty innocent bunch. I didn't know thingsget that explicit." She thought to herself, Maybe they're scared of really opening up with me. Why is it I intimidate everybody?

"They do," Katherine said. "Why, I can't even tell you howmany other girls have privately shared with me their wild eroticfantasies of bondage and spankings and all kinds of kinky stuff.Sometimes they're not even fantasies, but are based on real-lifeexperiences."


"Really. You know, you should expand your circle of friendssome if you want to attract Alan. I know you soak up information like asponge, but your current group seems to be like lesser versions of you.How much more can you learn from them about things that can help youwith Alan? Um, no offense, but that's how I see it."

"None taken," Christine replied. She's right. I like herbrutally frank analysis. No one ever talks to me like that. Is it truethat my friends are just a bunch of toadies, like Heather's toadies?That's a depressing thought. Or maybe they're just a bunch of innocentslike me. But who else could I become friends with, besides Katherinehere? ... Well, I suppose there's Simone. She was so nice to me theother day. But I don't know if I can get around her being best friendswith Heather.

While Christine was thinking, Katherine thought, Okay,here I am, about to make the big leap. If I say what I want to say, thenI'm going to commit big time to really being Christine's friend andtrying to bring her into the harem instead of just pretending to be nicewhile fighting to keep her out of it. Is that really what I want to do?Is that safe? Is it what Brother would want me to do?

Well, let's think. What have I got to lose? I can testjust how kinky she can get and what she's willing to really do. IF I canget her to admit to, or even better do, some really wild stuff, thenwe've got an insurance policy about her finding out about the incest.People who live in glass houses can't throw stones. Then, and only then,Alan can go ahead and fuck her without being so stressed out about it.Heck, if I'm lucky maybe it'll turn out she's at least somewhat bisexualand then we all can REALLY have fun! I'll bet that mouth of hers couldreally drive a girl wild, and oh man I wonder how good her tight, primpussy would taste.

If it turns out she's not that kinky I can try a differentapproach, but I don't think I have to worry about that, given whatshe's admitted already. It's such a flawless plan that I don't even needto ask Alan first. He's going to love it! Even Aunt Suzy is going to beimpressed with my cleverness, hee-hee.

Realizing she'd been quiet for some long moments, Katherinesaid, "Sorry, I was just thinking about some of my fantasies. I had thestrangest dream last night."

Christine again said, "Really?! So did I!"

Katherine actually was making all of this up, but she noddedknowingly, as if she also had to endure bizarre sexual dreams everynight. "Wonder Woman again? Did one of the evil guys with a face likeAlan's tie you up and have his way with your curvy body?"

Christine again appeared incredulous. "A-MAZ-ing! How do you do that? It's like you're psychic!"

Katherine lied, "It may seem like I know your mind because wethink alike. I don't just have Bond girl dreams; I have all kinds. I'vehad the Wonder Woman dream lots of times too. I can't even BEGIN totell you about the dream I had last night. Whoa!" She mock-fannedherself.

She thought, Damn, this is so easy. Christine's a neargenius, but when it comes to sexual stuff, it's like taking candy from ababy. It's all so new to her that she's completely gullible andmalleable. And she's so aroused that I'm getting her to talk about allkinds of outrageous stuff. I'll bet the odds are good I can turn herinto a die-hard cum-loving Alan-slut. Before too long, I'll have herliterally worshipping his cock. Heck, with Amy's help, it'll be a pieceof cake!
