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As lunch started, Katherine went looking for Christine. She'dpromised Alan that she would try to befriend Christine and alsoapologize for spying on her and Alan at their Tuesday night dinner date,and she was determined to keep both promises despite her greatreservations about Christine's character.
Christine, though, wasn't at her usual cafeteria table withthe other "Goody-goodies." But the members of that group seemed to havesome sort of sixth sense about what the others were doing and Katherinewas told that Christine should be on the second floor of the schoolbuilding.
Katherine went up there and, sure enough, Christine wasloitering in the hallway, suspiciously near the door to Glory's class.Katherine didn't know about Christine's new role as Alan's bodyguard,but she suspected that Alan's presence inside that room had more than alittle bit to do with Christine hanging around. She felt a surge of hotjealousy as she was reminded of Christine's crush on her brother, butthen she also recalled her vow not to be jealous.
Fixing a smile on her face, she walked closer to Christine and said, "Hi. What'cha up to?"
Christine was caught off guard. She wasn't expecting anyoneto talk to her and ask what she was doing there. But she recoveredquickly and replied, "Aaaaah, I'm waiting for someone."
Katherine looked up and down the hallway, which wascompletely deserted. This seemed to be an unlikely spot to meet anyonewhen there were so many better and more private spots around the schoolto meet. But she decided not to press the issue. Instead, she saidperkily, "Oh. Well, while you're waiting, can we talk?"
"Uh, sure."Katherine sat down on the floor and leaned back against awall. She had a brown bag lunch and began opening it. "Why don't we eatas we talk? I was kind of hoping we could talk a while." She wasn't tooworried that the "someone" Christine was waiting for would show up, soshe figured the two of them had plenty of time to talk.
Christine sat down, but reluctantly. She appeared preoccupiedand continued to look down the hall in both directions more often thanshe looked at Katherine. She said, "Uh, I can't eat lunch in the schoolhallway. That's against the rules. But I'm not hungry anyway. You goahead."
Katherine thought, What a moral priss. Who cares about arule like that? She's probably the kind of person who stops at a trafficlight even when there's no one around for miles. That's the kind ofattitude that could make her dangerous to the harem! Still, they say youshould keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I can bestprotect our group by pretending to be her friend.
But she naturally kept those thoughts to herself. Instead,she spoke frankly, "Christine, what's up? You're acting very strangely.You know and I know that Alan must be in the classroom just behind usand that he's probably going to be there for the whole lunch hour. Sowhy are you hanging around as if you're waiting for the off chance thathe might leave early? Is something wrong with him or with you? You'relooking a bit nervous. He's my brother. If there's something thatinvolves him, please, let me know."
Christine stopped her scouting of the halls and devoted herfull attention to Katherine for the first time. After an uncomfortablepause, she said in a low voice, "You're observant. I like that. And youcut to the chase. I like that too. The truth is, you're right. I amwaiting for Alan. And something IS wrong. Frankly, he may be in danger.I've kind of appointed myself to be his bodyguard because of my martialarts training. But this is just between you and me, right? I assume thatsince you're his sister, you'll under-"
Katherine was shocked and horrified. She cut in, "What?!Alan's in danger?! Of course mum's the word, but tell me! Tell me what'sup! Why didn't anyone tell me?!"
Christine leaned in conspiratorially and continued in an evenquieter voice, "We just found out about an hour ago, so this is thefirst chance for you to hear. It turns out some of the football playersare after Alan again. One of my friends gave me the story."
Katherine listened raptly as Christine laid out what she knew concerning the plot.
Christine figured that since Katherine was Alan's sister,there was no point in holding back. Furthermore, it was possible thatKatherine might be in danger herself if the football players decided toget at Alan through her. She realized that this chance meeting wasactually very fortuitous, and kicked herself for not seeking outKatherine first, or Amy for that matter. She told Katherine that Amyshould be alerted right away, and of course Katherine agreed to helpwith that.
Christine was very frustrated that she could only be in oneplace at a time because there was so much that needed to get done duringher free moments at school, but guarding Alan took up all of that time.
Christine and Katherine spent about ten minutes discussingthe football-player problem while Katherine scarfed down her egg saladroll and mini cucumber.lightsnovel
They could have easily spent the rest of lunch that way, butKatherine was acutely aware that there were a lot of other things theyneeded to cover before the lunch break was over, if she was going tomake headway on fulfilling her promises to her brother. So, as soon asshe felt she'd heard all the important latest developments, she waitedfor an opportune pause and then said, "Christine, this may come out ofleft field, but I have a couple of confessions to make."
lightsnοvεl Christine arched a curious eyebrow and waited to hear more.
Katherine had previously decided that the closer she couldcome to the truth with Christine, the better off she'd be, as therewould be fewer lies she'd have to keep (although there were many thingsshe would have to keep completely secret, no matter what). So she said,"It's not like I have a thing for my brother, meaning some kind ofsexual or romantic thing. Of course not! But I am kind of, well,possessive of him. I mean, isn't that natural? Do you know what I meanfrom having a brother or sister of your own?"
Christine replied, "No, I'm an only child."
Katherine thought, That figures. That would help explain all the intense pressure and expectations obviously coming from her parents. But she said, "Well, even as siblings go, Alan and I are really close.We don't fight all the time like lots of siblings do. In fact, he's notjust my brother, he's my best friend in the whole world. Well, him andAmy. But the thing is, I spend a lot of time with him. Things were goinggood between us and I didn't want it to change. So, when he got allinterested in you, especially this last year when his crush intensified,I was jealous. Well, maybe jealous isn't the right word. Possessive, iswhat I mean. You know? God, this is so hard to explain!"
She was genuinely blushing, because explaining even this muchwas difficult. Further, skirting this close to the truth of herincestuous relationship was even more difficult and also embarrassing.However, she also figured that this explanation would help to reduceChristine's suspicions further down the road. If she showed any jealousbehavior regarding Alan, Christine hopefully would write it off assisterly possessiveness.
Christine wasn't the most touchy-feely type, but she did manage to clinically say, "I understand. Please. Go on."
Katherine continued, "So the upshot of that is that I've keptmy distance from you. You and I, I think we could actually be goodfriends. Don't you think? But I never approached you, because I thoughtthat you were the one that was going to steal Alan away. I don't mindAlan going out with Amy at all, because we're best friends and she's sonice. In fact, I was the one who helped bring them together. Amy comesover to our house to hang out with Alan and me just about every daythese days, so in a way things are better for me since they startedgoing out because I get to see both of them a lot more than before. Butif it were you and him, you two would always be gone, off on some dateor another. Or at least that's what I thought. I'm sorry. I can be soimmature sometimes."
Christine blurted out, "That you can. You have so muchuntapped potential. You should hear what the teachers say about you."She would have said more, but then belatedly realized she was beingoutright rude with someone she hardly knew. She backtracked, "I'm sorry.I didn't mean for that to come out..."
Katherine just smiled. Inwardly, she was upset at Christine'scheekiness, but she didn't let it show. She also wanted to know whatthe teachers had to say, but she let that slide too. She verydiplomatically replied, "You have a good point there, but let's not talkabout that now. I'm telling you the issues I've had with you and mybrother and why that's hindered a friendship. Can you consider what Isaid?"
Christine nodded and thought about Katherine's words. Itoccurred to her that since Katherine and Alan were so close, Katherinecould be a big obstacle to any romantic relationship Christine mightdevelop with Alan. It would be very smart to befriend Katherine so thatshe wouldn't mind her and Alan being together, much in the same way thatshe didn't mind Alan being with Amy. But instead of saying any of thatout loud, she just nodded silently.
Katherine knew that Christine was right in her complaint. Sheknew she was actually much smarter than people generally gave hercredit for, but she didn't utilize her intelligence as much as shecould. However, she had used her smarts to give serious considerationovernight as to the best way to approach Christine. She would have beendelighted by Christine's reasoning had she known her thoughts, becausethat was the exact reaction she was hoping to get. However, now came thehard part.
Katherine said, "I didn't realize just how much the idea ofyou and Alan going out bothered me, at least not until last night. Then,when I heard that you two were going out on yet another date, I gotreally worried. Not only were you going to take him away from my home,but you were also going to steal him from Amy."
Christine started to protest. "It wasn't-"
But Katherine held her hand up and stopped Christine beforeshe could start. "Wait please. Let me finish first. I'm not saying thatwas what you were going to do, and I know it wasn't even a real date;I'm just saying that's how I felt. I got myself worked up. So worked up,in fact, that I kind of, uh..." She found herself blushing again. "I,uh, I kind of spied on the two of you in the restaurant. I overheardevery single word you both said. And that's why I want to apologize."
Christine became highly irate in an instant. "You did WHAT?!" she thundered.
Katherine looked up into Christine's eyes pleadingly. "I amSOOO sorry! Since then, I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I'verealized how immature I've been about the whole thing. Whatever yourrelationship with Alan is should be a matter just between the two ofyou. It's silly for me to be so possessive. I mean, come on; I'm not hiskeeper! So please. Can you forgive me? Maybe not today, but someday? Iknow what I did was wrong - that's why I'm confessing. I feel so bad,and I want to make it up to you somehow."
Christine could be extremely emotional, but at the same timeshe had a very rational and analytical mind. The emotional part of herwas outraged at Katherine. Privacy was extremely important to her, andshe didn't forgive slights easily. But the intellectual part of herbrain realized that there was much to be said about being friends withKatherine. For one thing, the opportunities that could provide her toget closer to Alan were obvious, and being with Alan was Christine's toppriority at that moment. For another, she realized that she had veryfew true friends. She genuinely looked forward to being Katherine'sfriend.
Christine had many casual friends and acquaintances atschool, but none of them were close friends that she could confide inwith deep issues. Everyone was scared of her brutal honesty anddemanding moral code, and with good reason. Furthermore, her outstandinglooks and stellar academic achievements put her on such a high pedestalthat people admired her and were friendly to her, but no one feltworthy of casually talking to her one on one as equals. Yet that wasexactly how Katherine had been treating her ever since she'd sat down,like an unintimidated equal. In fact, Katherine was being as brutallyfrank and honest to Christine as Christine usually was to others.
Christine was impressed, even as feelings of intense angersurged through her. Normally she would have exploded in an angry tiradeat such an outrageous violation of her privacy, but she verydeliberately kept her mouth shut and tried to let the feelings pass. Awhole range of emotions crossed her face as she stared at Katherine withalmost-comically shut lips and lividly twitching eyebrows. Then sheclosed her eyes and frowned mightily.
Katherine was sweating bullets as a minute passed andChristine still hadn't said a word. But she'd given a lot of thought onhow to best approach Christine and she knew this was an important test.Christine was an unintentional master of the "look that could kill." Itwas very tempting for Katherine to look away, but she knew it wasimportant not to cower in fear. So, while her eyes continued to stare atChristine, in her mind she forced herself to think happy thoughts aboutAlan instead, to calm her nerves. She imagined how proud he would be ifshe successfully befriended Christine, even as she told her the truthabout the spying and apologized for it.
Surely he'll reward me, she thought. When I tellhim the good news, I'll bet he's going to unzip his shorts and drop hisbig fat schlong right in my face. Tickle my nose with it even, hee-hee. Agood fuck toy gets rewarded, and Alan is a generous master. Just thinkif Big Brother allows me to suck his cock when I get home! Wouldn't thatbe lovely? Wouldn't that just be to die for? Whatever Brother wants meto do, whatever he wants me to say to Christine or anyone else, I'll doit!
Katherine had gotten so far into her fantasy that her eyes glazed over and a small smile came to her face.