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Suzanne got serious again. "Now, Susan, as for what we SHOULD dodifferently, we have to go back earlier, to the previous evening. Did hedo his homework? Did he do his chores? Remember when he actually had todo chores around the house? IF he takes care of his responsibilities,then fine, let's have fun. Sure, let's have an orgy before school, even.But only if he's taken care of the other stuff first. We keep talkingabout that, but nothing ever changes."
She let out another sad sigh. "We may want to rethink somethings. Frankly, I'm wondering if having Brenda as our house maid issuch a good idea. I'm afraid that'll just make things ten times worse.And she has her own house and son to take care of..."
Brenda sat in a sweaty and happy post-orgasmic reverie,barely aware of Suzanne words. But she definitely heard those lastsentences, and her world suddenly turned upside down. She was so shockedand appalled that she was beyond words. Her mouth dropped wide open andher eyes bulged out.
She couldn't even begin to comprehend that she could be soclose to fulfilling a dream come true in serving the Plummer family,only to have it pulled away at the last second. In her previousexistence, before she fell hard for Alan and the rest of the Plummers,she used to be very emotionally volatile with a nasty and short temper.That personality had never really gone away; it had just been suppressedand augmented by the new Brenda. Suddenly, her old ways came to thesurface, with a vengeance.
She stood up and towered over the still-sitting Suzanne. Anexpression of intense anger built up on her face like stormy cloudsgathering into a Class Five Hurricane. Then she let her emotions fly.
"HOW DARE YOU! SUZANNE, HOW DARE YOU! I loveyou! I worship you! I look up to you! And then, you say THIS! You treatme like TRASH! TRASH! GARBAGE! Worthless human GARBAGE! Well, I havefeelings too! How can you promise me all these things, promise me a newlife, promise to fulfill all my dreams, and then just say 'nah, I don'tfeel like it' on my big day? My dream day! Suzanne! You stabbed me inthe back! Take it back! NOW! Please, I beg you! Take it back! I love youso much, and you step on my heart and crush it! How DARE you! Beashamed of yourself! You, you, you backstabber!"
Just as quickly as Brenda's tantrum appeared, it suddenlydisappeared, and her emotional angst turned into sorrow. She fell to thefloor in a crumpled heap, weeping in heavy anguish.
Susan and Suzanne both rushed to her and held her close.
Suzanne immediately spoke apologetically, "I didn't mean thatliterally! I was just saying! I was making a point! For crying outloud, I didn't mean that!"
But Brenda seemed not to hear her at all, if only because shebawled so loudly. She seemed inconsolable, and nearly catatonic withgrief.actionSuzanne realized with alarm, Brenda is a lot more, well,mentally unstable, to be brutally frank, than I ever realized. She hasissues! Jesus H. Christ! She seems ready to kill herself over such asmall thing. It's like her life force just completely left her!
Unsure of what else to do, Suzanne finally resorted toslapping Brenda in the face. Repeatedly. "Snap out of it!" Suzanne criedas she slapped. "Snap out of it!"
Brenda's eyes appeared to regain an awareness, and she looked up at Suzanne's face.
Suzanne quickly explained, "Brenda! Listen. That was justloose talk. I wasn't actually saying we should do that! Relax! You'restill going to be working here as a maid. It's still all going tohappen. I was just trying to say that we might have to tone things down.I'm sorry if I frightened you. Sorry!"
Brenda stared at her for a while, uncertain if she could believe these new words.
Susan cooed more reassuring things from where she sat atBrenda's side. "It's okay, Brenda, it's okay. Nothing's going to change.We love you and want you here. It's okay..."
Finally, Brenda seemed to snap back to some semblance ofreality. She cocked an eyebrow and looked hard at Suzanne. "Really? Youdidn't mean it?"
Suzanne smiled and nodded.
Susan nodded too.
Brenda's demeanor completely changed again. "Oh, thank GOD!Oh, I don't know what I would have done. It was like the whole worldwent black. All was death and despair! Here, please, let me lie down fora minute. I nearly had a heart attack!"
She really felt that way, but she also could be more than abit melodramatic. She had a way of being extreme and over the topsometimes.
They helped Brenda to a nearby couch. Susan got her a glass of water.I think you should take a look at
Brenda simply lay there for a while, completely emotionallyand physically drained. Her huge boobs rose and fell with every heavingbreath. So fucking SCARY! That was a close call! I don't know whatI'd do if I got this close to my ultimate dream and had it snatched awayat the last minute! Phew! Too scary! Gotta calm down!
Alan is my master. It could only be him. If I don't get toserve him, what will I do?! True, I love my AIdy, but in a differentway. He could never be "the one." He just doesn't have the rightpersonality for it. Even he would freely admit that.
Suzanne thought, Okay, it's an overreaction to call her"mentally unstable." It's just that she's so passionate and emotionalthat I don't know how to handle it. I'm not used to that kind ofoutburst from any of my loved ones, except maybe for Susan's "mamagrizzly bear" moods, but years could go by between those appearances.
After seeing that Brenda seemed to have recovered somewhat,Suzanne further explained, "Brenda, you're a part of our lives already.Tonight we're just making a de facto situation official. You don't haveto worry about us going back on our promises."
Brenda let out a loud sigh of relief.
"But I am worried about my Sweetie. We do need to find a waywhere we can continue to love him and get royally fucked by him againand again and again without spoiling him. It's just that I'm at my wits'end, so I said something to illustrate my desperation, and youmisunderstood. Again, I'm sorry."
"That's okay." Brenda lay still and continued to recover.Somehow in all the commotion her workout outfit had fallen the rest ofthe way down, and now was bunched up just below her knees. Sheremembered her place and added, "Please forgive ME, my mistress."
Suzanne thought ruefully as she stared at Brenda's improbably curvy body, Itlooks like Brenda is a part of the family now, for good or ill. We'lljust have to deal with it and try to get her to live at least asemi-normal life. To be truthful, I did kind of halfway mean what I saidabout not having her as a maid, but I don't mean it now. She needs ourhelp just as much as Sweetie does. I think she needs a lot of help.She's had a total personality change in the last few weeks; she's veryright that it would be extremely cruel to bring her this far along andthen abandon her.
I should have thought things through before speaking outloud. I was the one who picked her out of a crowd, saw her sexualpotential, and encouraged her submissive tendencies every step of theway. We've made the commitment to her and we've got to keep it, whateverthat may mean. She's a highly submissive type, so to let her go nowwould be like sending a child to live on the mean streets. She'd betaken advantage of immediately, and then Adrian would suffer too. Sheneeds our love and consideration as much as Sweetie or anyone else does.
Once Brenda had recovered, more or less, Suzanne asked her,"I'm curious. Why is it that we, the Plummer family, have such a strongemotional effect on you? You've gone far beyond just wanting to havelots of sex with Alan, what with your desire to be our house maid andall. I have to admit, I could never imagine someone wanting to do forbig money what you say you want to do for this family for free. Whatdrives you?"
Brenda thought about that for a while. "I don't know, to behonest. Being the Plummer family slave feels so right that I've nevereven given it much thought. I just knew. I knew from the moment I foundout Master Alan had all four of you under his thumb. I knew I'd foundsomething so perfect and that there would be no limit to my servitude,if he would only have me, if you would all have me. It took me a whileto be able to admit that, but I knew it deep in my soul."
She paused, marveling at her luck in finding the Plummers.She began to massage her huge breasts in circles, as merely having thesethoughts of utter servitude and obedience turned her on terribly. "So, Isuppose it must fulfill me in some deep way. Very deep. I think some ofit has to do with a suppressed desire for my mother, may she rest inpeace. In a way, you and Mistress Susan have replaced her in my heart.If I were to lose the two of you, after losing her, I don't know what Iwould do!"
She began to tear up again. "Life wouldn't be worth living.Not even with Adrian. Maybe not even with Alan. I'm weak at heart. Iwouldn't be able to go on. That's why your words hurt me so deeply,Mistress Suzanne. I love you so much. I know I've only known you a shortwhile, but I love you so very much! You too, Mistress Susan!"
Suzanne thought that was surprisingly perceptive, andprobably very true. She looked at her relationship with Brenda in awhole new way. "And Alan? What's the deep force there?"
That immediately banished Brenda's sorrow. She laughedhappily as she thought of her master. "Duh! He's Alan! Need I say more?Susan put it so well. What did she say? 'He's just about the mostmature, smart, and loving eighteen year old in the whole wide world!'That's exactly it! Admittedly, I've only known him for two months, butthose words are just about the truest I've ever heard."
She went on, "And of course, sexually he IS some kind ofsuperman. Maybe there are others who have bigger dicks or whatever, but Ichallenge to find anyone who can get it up so many times in a day,every day, and handle so much stimulation for so long. And wanting tosexually please him makes me love him more and more. Sex and love areclosely connected, as you know."
Suzanne thought, That's all true. And it works for me too.
Brenda winced as she admitted, "I love him so deeply that, insome ways, I think I love him more than my own son! Not in all ways,mind you, but in some ways, including sexually. Is that wrong? It ISwrong! I'm sure it is, but I can't help it. The bond between master andslave is so deep, so strong! I desire to make love to Adrian, I love myPooh Bear so much, but I NEED to get fucked by Master Alan like I needair to breathe!"
Her eyes bugged out. "Good God! Just thinking about oral sexalone... My desire to suck his cock is so strong that sometimes it's allI can think about! I know I'm a 'busty bombshell' by any measure and Ishould have men falling all over me instead of having to share him withso many others, but just thinking about that makes me salivate like youwouldn't believe! I NEED his cock in my mouth! Every day!"
She continued even more emphatically, "I MUST serve him, toshow him that I would do anything I could possibly do if he would onlyshove his cock down my throat and up my cunt one more time. He'sactually played with me so rarely that it feels like I've been dying.Dying! It's like I have all the love of a son for him, plus all the loveas if he was my husband, then times that by ten! I think it's somethingthat you may never fully understand, Mistress Suzanne, because it goesso deep in me. I have to serve Master Alan and give him my body like thesun has to rise in the morning. It's just a basic fact of life. I canpromise you now that it will never change until the day I die!"
Suzanne thought, Wow! I can see in her eyes that she means every word!
Brenda added, "You may mock Susan's brilliant Big TitsTheory, but to me it's the most fundamental truth to help me day by day.It's my guide to life. I've always felt I was different, because of mylooks. Now I know why; now it all makes sense. Some were put on thisplanet to lead, and some to follow. I don't care what you say, this bodyof mine was built for sex, to be a sex slave, and anything else is awaste! Since I've fully given in to the truth that I exist to serve, Ifeel such peace and serenity."
Suzanne thought, I can see why she favors Alan overAdrian. Adrian hasn't proved himself worthy of natural master statusyet, while Alan has. I hope Adrian can turn that around, at least tosome extent, in order to take some more of Brenda's emotional focus, butunfortunately from all I've seen of him, he seems the submissive typeas well. It looks like I might have to add making Adrian less submissiveto my list of long-term projects. He's another good reason why it wouldbe better if Brenda wasn't so focused on this family, but what's doneis done.
I wish I would have had more of an idea what I was gettingeveryone into when I invited her over to join our poke-her parties!That said, I can handle this. Nothing is too daunting that it can't befixed with the right kind of clever scheming.
Brenda turned to Susan and held her hand. "Mistress Susan,you have such a natural wisdom to come up with that theory of yours. Ithank you from the bottom of my heart. I think in many ways, you and Iare soul sisters. You, alone of anyone I've met, completely understandme."
Susan nodded solemnly. "Yes. We're not the same, but I know your mind."
That was an understatement. It was almost like Brenda wasspeaking Susan's mind too. But Susan was trying to tone things down,given Suzanne's concerns.