With those Murals, it was even easier to figure that these beings were spirits and looking at the other races, it was the same as well.


His attention was pulled in the direction of the section with the 'Delgasso' statue, and Heather pointed at the mural behind them.

"A scene of beings floating amongst clouds, radiating light while hundreds of others worship them…"

The two of them looked right at one another, before echoing the exact same word.


Now, they had identified that these human-looking beings were actually gods. Since all the statues, except the dwarves, were roughly the same height, it was a bit hard to tell if there were any height differences between the races.


'What If some of these statues are of giants but we can't tell since they're scaled down to size?'

There were no giants on Aidos, but considering this was a Hall of Statues from beings of other worlds, then it was possible for them to be among them as well.

"These statues really are of powerful beings. There are even gods here…

I wonder how all of this got buried under the ground."

"What if this structure was here before the mountain? As far as I know, this place is at least 5000 years old. From the Age of Deities."



Heather went silent at this. Being just 17 herself, there was no way she could compute how long ago 5000 years was.

She asked Evan how he knew this and he said it was because of some extra information he had as the Leader of the Heroes.

"I guess that this mountain formed after this structure was built here. I doubt it coincidentally formed on it so I'd believe the mountain was created artificially.

It's not impossible for a Living Legend or a Sovereign to do so."

Suddenly, Evan gasped and he ran to the centre of the room. He put his hand into his inventory and pulled out an old book with pages that had fallen apart. He then flipped through it while Heather caught up to him and glanced at it.

"I knew it!"


He stopped on a page with a crest, and when Heather saw it, she recognized it.

"Wait…isn't this the same with my ring?"

"It's also the same with the floor!"

Heather then took her time to look at the crest on the floor. She had ignored it as she thought it was just the design of the tiles but now Evan pointed it out, she began to see similarities.

"Can you create those aura platforms of yours? I want a bird's eye view."

Evan did as she said and she looked at the floor from a higher vantage point, finally seeing the whole image and confirming that it was indeed the same.

When she descended, she asked Evan what that book was and he gave her the lie he cooked up.

"A record of an ancient Hero.

It's something Laurene found in Nepte. This crest…is the crest of one of her Predecessors.

The 'Fourth of the Seven Heroes', from the 'Age of Deities."

In Aidos' myths, the 'Age of Deities' was a time when the planet was allegedly inhabited by both gods and mortals, but many believed It to be just a myth and not something that actually happened due to the lack of records.

"This is probably their Family Crest and not their Hero Crest. Otherwise, it'd be the same as the symbol in Laurene's eyes."

Heather nodded in affirmation when she heard Evan's words while the boy glanced at the Demons' side for a moment before speaking.

"Let's leave the Demons for last. Let's go through the other races first. It may not just be Otherworlders here."

"Okay. Do you have a Camera in that inventory of yours? We need pictures of this."

Evan nodded as he took out the camera that was gathering dust since he only used the Polaroid most of the time, and the two moved to the Elf section and began going through the names.

After a minute, Heather called out the first familiar name."Lowe: He who holds the power of Knowledge.

That's the Elven Emperor's last name. It seems it's not just Otherworlders who are here, after all."


Not too long after they found 'Zoana', the maiden name of the Elven Empress, further confirming that Aidosians were mixed in with the Otherworlders.

Evan guessed that this was a hall with statues of powerful beings across the Galaxy.

Still in the Elf Section, they saw the name 'Reeva', but only Evan recognized this as the last name of the previous 'First Hero'.

They went to the Beastmen sector, but unlike the Elven Emperor, they did not see 'Thancreed'. All they saw was 'Cerul', the maiden name of Kolvar's Wife.

Next up was the Dwarves and like before, 'Smith King Vulwin' did not have his last name here.

When they got to the side with the Dragons, they saw a familiar name once more.

"Saenni. That's Altrishia's last name."

"Seems like the Dragon Lord's ancestry isn't simple…"

They moved on to the next category, which they assumed was for humans. This was quickly confirmed when they saw the name 'Cox', Rathal's surname.

Going through more of them, Evan saw the last name of a Mage he met during the Cheverton Incident last year: Zylwenys.

"Isn't that from the Aelum Kingdom?"


Right after Tisha's last name, Evan saw two names that were very familiar to both him and Heather.

'Maddox: He who mastered all of the Arcane.'

'Damir: She who mirrors the world in her hands.'


"My predecessor."

Evan completed Heather's statement before turning to the next one and speaking with a wry smile.lightsnovel

"And look at that. It's the President of Terrok."

"He is also a 'Damir'."

Strangely, Evan had been seeing the President of Terrok come up more than usual in his life recently. From newspapers to the meeting with the National leaders and now this.

Moving further he saw two more very familiar names.

'Ivloh and Morass.

That's Agnes' name, isn't it? And Morass…'

"The Ancient Barbarian King…"

Heather spoke of Morass' identity and Evan nodded.

Morass' crown granted its wielder supreme authority over the most magi-technologically advanced people on Aidos; the 'Barbarians'.

The War for that Crown was what kickstarted one of the 'Eight Disasters', the 'Barbarian King's Uprising' and it need not be mentioned how many perished in this.

'And that's a Disaster that the 'Third Finger Kranul' is in charge of…'

Another familiar name they encountered, was one that made Evan smile wryly. It was his girlfriend's actual surname—


The Statue was that of a woman and the tagline was: 'She who holds the drop of Life'.

Going further, they saw 'Bowthe' as well, but that was the last name that they recognized. They looked through all the other races but they didn't recognize any other name too.Evan looked through the spirits and amongst them, he saw one whose head had broken off. Since there were so many broken-

off statue heads on the floor, he could not tell which one was for it.

From the body, he could see it was a woman and looking down at the name and tagline, he read it out.

"Kaylathurge: She who broke the chains of fate.

Seems like this spirit had a rough life…"

The boy shook his head silently before moving towards the Demons' section where Heather was.

The statue she was standing in front of was one who was holding up a featureless mask, preventing one from seeing what his actual face was.

Peeking through the side, they saw that the face behind the mask was also featureless as well, and Evan theorized it was because no one knew what they looked like since they had a mask.

When he looked down at the name, his eyes widened in shock.

"Jabberwocky: He, the Myriad Transformer."

"Do you know this name as well?"

"Unfortunately, I do."

He muttered this reply to Heather's inquiry before moving on to the other statues. He saw names like Xellmonnod, Olveth, and Orkorin but these were Demon Names he didn't know about.

The boy was searching to see if the Demon King's name—

Sargon—was here, but he came up blank.

He wanted to check for Roselia's name; 'Valaine', but then realised that he would not see it here as Roselia and the other Seven Deadly Sins were all born from low-rank commoner demon families.

They were 'High Demons' because they had increased their Race breed from 'Demon' to 'High Demon', and this was why they all had the 'Ascendant' title.

Heather moved forward and when she got to one of the statues' she couldn't help but let out a comment.

"Damn…he's handsome."

Evan turned his gaze in her direction and when he saw the face of the man who was wearing what appeared to be a three-

piece suit, he could not help but agree.

"Westley: He, the one who comes from the Beyond."

Seeing this, Evan questioned just what 'Beyond' was. If it was Beyond the Galaxy or something greater.

While Evan did not recognize this man, Artemisia would most definitely have.

The face on the statue was the exact same one as the face of the Silver Haired Man with blue eyes who was in the picture on her desk in her Personal Domain.

His being here meant he was a 'Powerful Demon', and the Artemisia having pictures together with him, showed that the goddess was close with Demons of Gozon.

lightsΝοvel At least, the teenage her was.

Just when Evan had zeroed his mind that he was not going to see any familiar names again, he reached the last statue and saw a name that he could not forget, even if he wanted to.

This name was one that no Hero of Aidos could ever forget.

A thousand years ago, almost everyone on planet Aidos knew this name. Even with all the efforts to hide records about the Demons, the Seven Heroes could not completely erase this name from Aidos' History.

Considering they had managed to do this for the 'Seven Deadly Sins', this showed just how much more widespread this name had gone.

For the people of the Dark Continent, this name was still common in their history books.

For the Dragons, in particular, they'd sooner commit suicide than forget this name.

Looking up at the statue, the face that he saw on it was not the same as the one that he knew from the game or Arlan Maddox's memories.

But this was expected, considering that the statues present were of Demons from 5000 years ago. It was probably that person's ancestor.

When she saw Evan stop and stare at this, Heather was sure that the name of this statue was one he recognized.

Looking down at the nametag, she read it out.

"McEnda II: He, is the Darkness that Corrodes all."


Read the Author Note.
