The goddess nodded and took a deep breath. At that moment, her thoughts were accelerated to an astonishing speed as she considered how to relay this information to Evan.
'I need to tell him about this without touching on the matter of 'The Universe' or anything higher. Although it's a 'Vision Seal', I shouldn't make him believe it so it doesn't give him any ideas.
Sure, there are no Galactic Filaments or Black Holes nearby but let's not try to make him want to confirm if they are really out there…'
She didn't even need a second to sort out the details and find a way to inform Evan of what she wanted without triggering anything. Then she began speaking.
"There are millions of different races out there, these races are categorized under different groups.
Aquatic Races, Terrestrial Races and so many other categories you don't need to bother yourself with.
Among these categories is one called the 'Slayer Race' category."
"Slayer race?"
Artemisia could already see that Evan was connecting the dots but she kept on speaking.
"Yes. Slayer Races are as their name implies; Races born with the power to 'Slay' other already existing races.
When the actions of a particular race, have been considered by Billions of Quintillions of existences across all of existence to be 'Harmful', a slayer race is born to cull the numbers of that 'Harmful' race.
It is a sort of culling mechanism wired into all of creation, to prevent one race's members from going too far.
Take the gods for example. I had once told you that we gods were not much different from you, and that was because we aren't a higher form of being like many believe but just another race you can find out there like humans, elves, beastkin…and dragons."
The goddess' tone turned deeper as she broached the subject of dragons, snapping her fingers and transforming the ceiling above them into an image of the night sky.
"Earth V was a world with suitably advanced space administrations, so while its inhabitants have not gone much further than its moon, knowledge of the fact that there are other planets out there was commonplace.
About 45% of the stars you see above you in Aidos' night sky are orbited by inhabitable planets. Considering that any random point in the sky has thousands of stars, you can imagine just how many planets are out there.
Thinking about the number of dragons there, and the number of people who consider these dragons to be 'Harmful', it's only natural that a Slayer Race exists for the dragons.
Perhaps it was a practical joke by creation, but the progenitor of this Slayer Race of dragons is the daughter of the Progenitor of Dragons across all of existence."
"That's rough."
Evan felt a bit of pity for this Dragon Progenitor whose daughter was born out of the necessity to reduce the number of dragons out there, but he quickly tossed that thought away and focused on Artemisa's words.
"There's a big difference between 'Dragon Slayer' and 'Dragonslayer'.
"One is a title, and the other is the name of a race of beings. A 'Slayer Race'."
Evan himself had a 'Dragon Slayer' title which he had acquired from killing Faldo, however, he had not known about 'Dragonslayers' until just a few minutes ago.
"The abilities of a Slayer Race include, but are not limited to:The ability to weaken any member of the target race within a certain range of them. The percentage of weakening depends on how strong the Slayer in question is. It can be anywhere from 1% to 50%. This ability is also a passive one.
Increased Damage against members of the target race.
The ability to bypass a certain percentage of their durability.
Reduced Damage is taken from members of the target race.
Regeneration Negation of the target race.
And the ability to exponentially grow stronger by killing and absorbing the Energy Cores of the target race.
In the case of Dragons…it'd be their 'Dragon Hearts'."
"The issue with these Slayer Races now is the fact that their powers which are a result of the 'Anti factors' they possess, target the Race Factors."
When Evan looked at her with light confusion on his face, Artemisia generated a projection of a Dragon genealogy chart and spoke.
"Slayer Races' Abilities, work on not just members of their Target Race, but members of other races who possess the Race Factors of their Target Race as well.
That means, it doesn't matter even if you're not a Dragon. The very fact that you have the Dragon Factor…means a Dragon Slayer can use their abilities on you just as easily as they would on a real Dragon."
This explains why Luna's power was able to work on Evan despite him not being a True Dragon, but a Draconic Human.
"Wait…you said slayer races are born out of necessity.
Could there perhaps be a Humanslayer Race as well?"
Artemisia chuckled when she heard Evan's question before she replied.
"Humanslayers have existed long before the Progenitor Dragonslayer's mother was even born."lightsnovel
Her reply served to confirm to Evan, that in becoming a Draconic Human, he had become susceptible to the powers of both Slayer Races.
"If there's a silver lining on this, it's the fact that Aidos doesn't have too many dragonslayers lying around.
The Dragons of Ancient Aidos made sure of that.
However, they still exist, and that Half-Wolf Luna, is a reminder of the fact that they are out there. Most are on the Beta Continent where Draidan is, and there are still a good number of them on the Alpha Continent, that Half-Wolf's father included."
lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Evan leaned back on the couch and heaved a soft sigh softly while Artemisia added an extra statement.
"At least there aren't any of them strong enough to achieve even a 15% weakening. I'd assume you only noticed that something was wrong because of your high-power control.
It's high enough that if even a small bit goes missing, you'd notice."
"How much does that Wolf have?"
"Nothing serious. Just the base 5%."Thinking about it, Evan felt it was indeed somewhat around that range based on the feeling he got earlier.
"Slayer Races, huh? Guess I have to be careful in case I encounter any one of them who just so happens to hate dragons.
I mean, you did say Dragons culled their numbers in the past."
"Indeed. You have to be careful as there are many of them who resent dragons. Right now, as we speak, 'Orvis' is fighting against some of th—Ah…he just killed one."
Evan's eyes narrowed when he heard Artemisia's words, ignoring how she was able to know about what was happening somewhere else on the planet and focusing on the meaning of her words in this context.
'This 'Orvis'…she only mentioned the name because she knows I've heard about him from Agnes already.
By talking about him now, she just indirectly informed me that he's either a dragon or has Dragon Factors.
Not all of the Seven Heroes are human, or rather, not all of them can come from the same Race.
I guess, Laurene and I are probably going to be the only Humans. David's a Beastman, Abigail's an Elf and the Hero in Tarse would most likely be a Celestial.'
He came out of his Hypercognitive state and saw Artemisia speaking with Kayla about something about 'a war between Old gods and New gods'.
'Speaking of gods…'
"…is there a godslayer race as well?"
Despite Artemisia's inner turmoil when Evan asked this, the woman maintained a poker face and replied.
"There is. It's relatively new though."
"Huh? Isn't the god race an old one?"
Artemisia was silent for a moment when Evan spoke about the god race being an 'old race' before she gave her reply.
"Yes. It is older than dragons, but there were certain complications that prevented the birth of godslayers until very recently.
Of course, by 'recently', I mean thousands of years."
Beings above Transcendence like Artemisia saw time a lot differently so while a thousand years might be a long time for mortals, Artemisia knew some gods and Dragon Deities who could sleep that long and call it a catnap.
"Are you guys hostile with each other?"
"Majority of them are hostile, but there are gods and godslayers out there who are friends."
Evan's expression turned strange when he heard this and he questioned Artemisia.
"Is that even possible?"
"It is. I know because I, unfortunately, happen to be friends with the Progenitor of the godslayer race."
If Evan wasn't mistaking the definition of the word: Progenitor; then this was supposed to be the oldest and probably the most powerful godslayer out there.
And Artemisa just admitted to being friends with them.
"He's a real piece of work, that guy. He was friends with the crush of 'someone' I knew and when she wanted to go see her crush, she dragged me along with her, leading to our inevitable meeting."
Kayla looked at Artemisia with a bit of worry in her eyes when she heard the woman's words, knowing fully well who that 'someone' was and the current relationship between the two.
"That sounds like the plot of a romance story. In the process of acting as wingmen for their friends, they end up falling in love with each other."
"It does."