[Battle has been concluded, distributing experience...]
- Lvl 18 Hobgoblin Shaman killed, 650 exp points gained
- Lvl 15 Hobgoblin Warrior killed, 400 exp points gained
- Lvl 16 Hobgoblin Warrior killed, 450 exp points gained
- Lvl 17 Hobgoblin Warrior killed, 500 exp points gained
- Lvl 14 Hobgoblin Warrior killed, 350 exp points gained
- Lvl 16 Hobgoblin Archer killed, 450 exp points gained
- Lvl 15 Hobgoblin Archer killed, 400 exp points gained
- Lvl 16 Hobgoblin Defender killed, 450 exp points gained
- Lvl 13 Goblin Shaman killed, 300 exp points gained
- Lvl 13 Goblin Shaman killed, 300 exp points gained
- Lvl 11 Goblin Warrior killed, 200 exp points gained
- Lvl 13 Goblin Warrior killed, 300 exp points gained
- Lvl 12 Goblin Slingshooter killed, 250 exp points gained
- Lvl 11 Goblin Grunt killed, 200 exp points gained
- Lvl 12 Goblin Grunt killed, 250 exp points gained
- Rank C+ Shamans Staff acquired
- Rank C Hobgoblins Bow acquired
- Rank C Short Broadsword acquired
…[The players have earner 5 450exp and 90S coins, distributing …]
[The player has earned 1 090 exp and 18S coins.]
[Battle has been concluded, distributing subordinates experience...]
- Lvl 14 Hobgoblin Warrior killed, 350 exp points gained
- Lvl 15 Hobgoblin Defender killed, 400 exp points gained
- Lvl 11 Goblin Grunt killed, 200 exp points gained
- Lvl 12 Goblin Grunt killed, 250 exp points gained
- Lvl 12 Goblin Warrior killed, 250 exp points gained
[Your subordinate has killed 5 monsters, 1 450 exp points earned.]
[Battle has been concluded, distributing pets experience...]
- Lvl 11 Goblin Grunt killed, 200 exp points gained
- Lvl 12 Goblin Warrior killed, 250 exp points gained
- Lvl 13 Goblin Slingshooter killed, 300 exp points gained
[Your pets have killed 3 monsters, 750 exp points earned.]
As the final goblin dies everyone got a notification that the battle had ended, the battle turned out to be a bit tougher than they thought as the goblin shamans used their spells to buff and heal the hobgoblins, increasing the difficulty by a level. It wasn't easy to get to the shamans either as they were hidden deep inside the group, only when the wolves arrived and attacked from the side did everyone find a safe way to break their formation and slay the annoying little bastards.
One thing they were confused by was the power of the goblin's spells, compared to the power of the shaman that was in the hidden dungeon and was healing Groll these were weaker, even though they were level 13 compared to the measly level 9 that guy was. They understood that it was probably a function of the dungeon as the notification back then didn't single him out from the boss, he was probably considered a mini-boss of sorts and was powerful simply to test the players. After all, Groll would have been much more difficult to kill if they hadn't taken care of the shaman back then.
The loot they got from the hobgoblins was incredibly disappointing, not even 1 rank B item dropped, the best one was the Shaman's Staff which was useless to them as it strengthened attack-type spells and had a barrier almost as strong as the Staff of healing they got way back.
"Wow, they actually defeated them." Jackie and the others came out from hiding and were flabbergasted by the sight, a group as strong as the hobgoblins were high up in the hierarchy in the town, to think Reign and the others defeated such a group of high-level monsters was inconceivable to them.
"Well, those guys were tougher than I thought," Reign says as he uses a rag to wipe the blood off his sword, his back still dripping with blood from the wound he previously got."Sit down, let me heal you." Beast points at him with his finger on which the ring of Rejuvenation was, the ring gives off a pale green light as Reigns' wounds slowly start healing. It took a couple of seconds for his shoulder to fully heal, and his back got healed as well after some time.
Everyone had some cuts and bruises on them, the hobgoblins were not a big threat when they were normal, but once they were buffed they actually managed to wound them, one even started releasing a dangerous aura as he was about to go berserk but Reign managed to kill him before that.
It was definitely a tough fight but nothing life-threatening to them. Once they were healed up they all go towards the alley, the clamor they produced while fighting was bound to attract nearby monsters and they didn't want to fight them again, lest they get swarmed.
Going deep inside the alley they finally take a turn and sit down to rest. Their strength was still okay and their stamina wasn't fully depleted or anything like it, they just wanted to be at their best once they arrived at the zone.
A couple of minutes later they get up and continue their trip towards the zone. It didn't take them long to arrive, it was only 5 minutes later that they were in front of a giant warehouse, the safe zone could be seen as a pale light circled 5 meters around it. They all take a step inside and enter it, finally out of the dangerous, monster-infected town.
As they walk towards the door it opens and a couple of people wielding bats, pipes and some kitchen knives get out and encircle them.
"Huh, it's Jackie and the others!" One of the men sees Jackie and everyone immediately relaxes. They all put their weapons back and greet the group that does the same.
"What happened to you guys, you look like shit." One of the men hugs Jackie and tells him with a laugh.
"Well, we got into a trap set by a couple of kobolds, we would have died if not for these guys here, they saved our asses and killed the pricks right away." Jackie laughs back and points back to Reign and the others who were standing calmly and observing everyone.
"Kobolds, and you say these guys even killed them!?" Everyone was in shock after all kobolds were well-known monsters in the forest and only the strongest groups could fight against them, Jackie's group was one of them but they were missing two of their strongest members and got into an ambush at that point, that was why they were in such a dangerous situation when Reign and the others arrived.
"So these guys, they're high-rankers?" The man that previously hugged Jackie nervously asks him.
"Not just that, they're from another place, they actually traveled here to establish a connection with us, listen carefully to me, don't try anything funny, these guys are much stronger than you could imagine." Jackie pulls the man closer and whispers the last part of the sentence to him, the man, seeing the serious look in Jackie's eyes nods gravely before looking straight at Reign.
"I'm very sorry that we came out like that, we're all under pressure as some of the outlaw zones attacked another zone once by acting like they were just refugees looking for a place to stay." The man hurriedly apologizes to which Reign simply waves his hand while smiling.
"Don't worry, we understand your situation." The man breathed out a sigh of relief as he heard Reign. They all waited for them to come closer before they all froze in shock. The huge monster behind Reign and the others gave them incredible pressure and they almost fell down to the ground.action
"Oh, don't worry, that's Greenie, he's my subordinate, he won't hurt you or anything." Reign points back at Greenie and reassures them.
"Yes, human, I listen to master, you are safe." Greenie nods in agreement before speaking to the men, something that made them even more shocked.
"I-it can speak?!" The people in the zones had never seen any high-level monster and didn't know that some of them could speak. Reigns reassure them again that Greenie is one of them and that he was a high-ranking monster, a reason why he could talk.
Once they got inside the zone they were faced with a huge amount of stares by everyone that was inside. There were probably a couple of hundred people in the warehouse, and everyone was scared out of their wits when they laid eyes on Greenie, it was only because they could see that the guards from the zone were talking with the monster that they didn't scream or run away.
There was no problem while they were going to the office of the zones leader, nobody tried to stop them or anything, once they actually arrived, that's when a problem arose.
"Who the fuck allowed some bastards with a monster inside huh?!" A big, burly man jumped down from the stairs that led to the office, when they saw him Jackie and the others were frightened for a second before they realized that their group leader, the second strongest man in the zone was nothing more than a child compared to Reign and the others.
"You have a problem with that beardy?" Tank steps out and faces the man, they were both around the same size and the sight of two giant guys facing off was fearsome, to say the least.
"Monsters are enemies, for someone to bring one in here, I should kill all of you right now!" The man, known as Brian shouts with anger as he takes out a sword from his sheath, ready to attack them.
"Brian will you calm down please." A calm and collected voice could be heard coming from above as a middle-aged man was standing on top of the stairs with 2 people. His name was Ronny and he was the zones leader.