On hearing the news about Noah's death, Eve's hold on the glass case loosened, and it dropped to the ground, shattering into pieces. The dried flowers touching the ground withered away with the impact.

Eve couldn't believe what Vincent just told her. There was no way Noah was dead. He couldn't be. She asked him,

"W--where is he now?"

"In the Council. His body is in the lab to see what happened," Vincent replied to her, and when Eve stumbled back, he quickly caught her in his arms.

Vincent knew how much Noah meant in Eve's life even though she didn't see the werewolf romantically, she cared for him as much as the man cared about her. The news had come like a shock wave and spread like a fire in a dried forest.

"Can we go... go and see him?" Eve asked Vincent, staring into his red eyes with her bright blue eyes.

"Now it is not possible as tests are being run on him. More than three of the councilmen have been assigned to complete the procedures and we won't be able to see him until tomorrow morning," Vincent let her know, placing a supportive hand behind Eve's back.


The more she dwelled on it, the more surreal it felt. How could Noah be dead? The last she had seen him was during her wedding when he had walked her down the aisle...

"But there are chances for the body to be polluted by the tests and it might hinder your reading," Vincent murmured with a frown and said, "Maybe we can sneak in there when no one is looking."Eve stared at the plants in front of her in Dawson's garden, trying to process what Vincent was saying. She said, "Let me let them know... that I am leaving..."

Earlier today in the carriage, Vincent had noted how Eve was tired, and she had trouble falling asleep during their journey. He didn't want her to push herself, but he could also tell that Noah's news had woken her up from any possible sleep lingering in her mind.

The sky had turned dark, and before Eve and Vincent could step inside the house, Eugene who was about to step back outside, noticed them. He exclaimed, "Oh, Mr. Moriarty, you are here. Lady Aubrey was only talking about hosting supper for you... Is everything alright?" He asked, noticing Eve's face that had turned pale.

Vincent said to Eugene, "I am taking Eve with me. We are in a little hurry now."

Eugene's eyes moved between the couple, noticing the tense atmosphere around them. He nodded and watched Vincent grab Eve's hand and leave from there. He could barely keep up as one moment they were on the street, and the next second they had disappeared as if they were never there in the first place.


"Huh? Where did Eve go?" Rosetta asked Eugene.

"Mr. Moriarty came to pick her up," Eugene wondered what had happened before his eyes fell on the shattered glass. "Rose, why don't you help Lady Aubrey in the kitchen, while I bring the rest of the things inside the house? I wouldn't want you to tire your delicate hands."

Delicate, Rosetta swooned at Eugene's words, not noticing the shattered glass as the vampiress only saw her husband and nothing else. She replied, "Okay, I will do that. But if you need any help, don't hold back to call me."

Eugene watched his wife get back inside the house. He brought the broom and the dustpan to the front of the gate, and brushed the glasses so that no one would step on the shard of glasses. He also carefully picked up the petals of the bouquet that belonged to Eve. Once he was done cleaning it, he entered the house.

Not too far from Meadow, Eve's arms wrapped around Vincent's neck, while his bat wings flapped behind his back under the night sky. The breeze was cold, but that didn't affect her compared to the news she had received. Her hands clenched, feeling disturbed as she was confused as to how Noah could die.

They flew until they reached Darthmore, and Vincent finally landed on the ground close to the Council, before letting Eve place her feet on the ground too.


"We won't be able to enter right away, and will need to wait for it," Vincent said as they took cover behind a thick tree planted in the Council. "Eve?"

"Huh?" Eve snapped out from her blurry mind and met Vincent's eyes that looked at her with concern.

"I am sorry," Vincent rubbed her arm to comfort her, knowing Noah was Eve's first friend.

Eve stepped closer to him and hugged him. She whispered, "It doesn't make sense. Why would anyone murder him? Noah has always had a kind heart. He's never hurt anyone... he's always been good... Why him?" She asked, confused.

Vincent put his arms around her, rubbing her back as he consoled her, "It does, doesn't make sense. Whoever hurt him, we'll get to the bottom of it. Sometimes, kind people are the ones who have the shortest lives."

"Then is it a folly to be kind and good?" Eve asked him, feeling the heaviness in her chest.

"No. I don't want you to think that, but kindness can be misused," Vincent hugged Eve closely, feeling her sadness through the bond they shared with each other.

They stayed there for a while, watching Clayton and the Sullivan family step out of the building where Noah was kept. Eve's eyes fell on Noah's parents and his uncle, who looked upset. His uncle ran his hand through his hair as if frustrated while Lady Hilda cried in her husband's arms. The family looked heartbroken, and it further had Eve turn pale. Eve thought she wanted to prepare herself for it, the very thought hurt her.

Noah's uncle said to Clayton, who had joined them, "We want to find the culprit as soon as possible so that he or she can be punished in the worst way possible! Noah was someone who always abided by the laws and look what has happened to him!"

Clayton held a grim expression on his face and said, "The search has already started and we are leaving stone unturned, Mr. James."

Noah's father, Jeffry Sullivan, said, "Noah was not just anyone. Someone killed the Duke. Do you understand that the situation is not little, but only means that no one is safe in the towns that we live in?"

Clayton held his hands in front of him and replied to the grieving family, "I am very sorry for your loss, Mr. Sullivan and you have my deepest condolences as Noah was a good person. Since the news has reached us, I have made sure to scout every town and forest, making sure to not leave anything unturned. The safety of the people is our responsibility and we are held questionable for the losses by the royal family. The sooner we get the result, I will inform you."

Lady Hilda whispered something to her husband, who listened to her quietly before he nodded. Jeffry said, "My wife and I would like to stay here in Noah's chambers at the Council. Until the result comes in the morning."
